When your mind drifts what do you do????


Hello fitness friends :)

Does your mind ever drift during your work outs, even though you
change or modify your routine as you feel just.

A friend has reccomended that I incorporate regular meditation into my routine.

What do you do to get back your concentration of focus?

Your responses are greatly appreciated

Optimist in Action
Hi, Mishelle! I find, usually, that when my mind drifts it's a sign that whatever I'm doing is now too easy! So give yourself a pat on the back - you're turning into a turbo-queen!

I find my concentration problems mostly in my weeknight workouts, after a day of work. My weekend morning workouts are pie for concentration - no daily preoccupations to compete with the workout focus. I've never done meditation, so I can't comment on that one way or another. Maybe implement a power yoga workout into your rotation?

One CF aerobic workout that absolutely does not allow my mind to drift very long is Interval Max - in fact, it's helped me mentally through some emotionally tough periods precisely because it takes everything I've got to get through it.

Keep trying to change your workout until you latch onto a system that demands your concentration - and be prepared to change again when that becomes too familiar!

Good luck!

Thanks Anette :)

I can certainly identify with mind drifting when I do evening workouts. I am reorganizing my schedule such that I only have to do 2 out of 5 workouts in the evening (i.e. aerobic workouts). Interval max sounds intriguing. Perhaps I will give it a whirl, after trying bodymax.

Thanks again,

Optimist in Action

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