when will CK Sales from canada be receiving the hardcore dvds?


Active Member
hi, i purchased my hardcore series through ck sales bc i'm in canada. i was wondering how it will work wrt shipping dates? will they be getting the dvds the same time as everyone who ordered through cathe's site?
thank you.
chiro ange,

Scroll down the Ask Cathe page a bit and you will see this same question posted and answered yesterday ("SNM - CK Sales shipping of hardcore").

What part of Canada are you in? I'm in Edmonton.

Hey Sandra,
I grew up in Edmonton. Great to "meet" another Albertan Cathe fan.

When I pre-ordered the Intensities through cksales, I had them before many who pre-ordered through Cathe's site.

RE: when will CK Sales from canada be receiving the har...

Hey guys!

I'm in Edmonton too!!!! :) :) Can't wait to get my Hardcores from CK Sales!!!!

RE: when will CK Sales from canada be receiving the har...

Sandra and Kelly,
Yes, I'm still in Alberta, living in Fort McMurray. Only came here for 2 years...17 years later.

I get down to Edmonton on a fairly regular basis. I plan on running the half-marathon there in early May.

An Edmonton Cathe get-together would be fun.


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