When to replace workout shoes?


Curious to know how others decide when it's time to replace workout shoes. Since I don't wear mine outside, they probably start to get worn, long before they LOOK worn...
It depends on how often you wear them and for what you wear them. If you frequently do hi-impact aerobics, I'd recommend a new shoe twice a year. I can always rely on my legs to tell me if my shoes are wearing out. My shins get achy or my feet hurt. Be kind to you feet! It is always better to err on the side of caution! One last suggestion is this: But two pairs of a shoe you love and alternate them, particularly if you do hi-intensity work on consecutive days. You'll get more bang for your buck. It's amzing but our bodies usually tell us what we need to know!

I'm a fanatic about my shoes. When I find a style I like, I buy up every pair in my size I can find in the city. When I start wearing them, I take a sharpie and put the date somewhere on them.

I wear them for workouts 3 months, maximum. Then I wear them just around until they wear out or I'll give them to someone who can't afford any. There's a chick at our gym who has worn the same shoes every day for two years and walked 4 miles in them daily!!! And she's one who could afford new ones. I don't understand why people would risk injuring themselves out of cheapness.

I learned about alternating days with shoes, too. There was a seminar about it at the ACSM, and it was not sponsored by a shoe manufacturer, either. It seems it takes a full 48 hours for the cushion to completely bounce back after a lot of impact.
THANKS to both Bobbi and Kim. I didn't know about the alternating days, and that makes sense. It also makes sense to buy more pairs of shoes that are perfect for my feet, because I've certainly discovered in the past that by the time I need new shoes, the style I loved isn't available anymore.

Much appreciation!

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