It depends on what you feel safe lifting in a clean and press onto your shoulders from the floor.So what would be the most weight to have on your barbell before you have to get a squat rack? 50 60 lbs? How many of you have squat racks? Aren't they huge?
And the squat stands can double as a barbell rack for bench presses if you have enough risers for your bench to make it tall enough. I'm really happy I have them.
I bought a weight bench that inclines/declines so I could use these squat stands for bench press but I'm finding it is still difficult due to the black handles that stick out in front. They get in the way on the downward phase and make it impossible to do any on an incline.
Am I doing something wrong? I thought about placing the bb on the black handles instead of the rack handles but I'm concerned about safety. Any ideas?
Here is the link for the squat stands. They don't take up much room at all and are very portable. bd squat stands
Thanks! I believe the bar I have can hold about 110. It was sold as a 55, but they use the exact same bar in the 110 set. But I've been thinking, it might be better to still use the vest anyway, and not go quite as heavy on the bar, I'm a little worried even with the rack, putting that much on my shoulders.I'm glad you were able to get one ordered. Unfortunately, I have the Troy Lite bar that only holds up to 80 pounds. When I bought it I never dreamed I would need anything more than that because I didn't have the squat stands at the time, didn't know about them, and wouldn't have thought I needed them. So for me the vest will be a good thing. I suspect, though, I'll be buying a new bar soon or else I'll be breaking down and using the longer iron bar we already have that I was trying to avoid using. Fortunately, we have plenty of weight plates.
Hi Nancy,
I have the Troy Lite bar as well and am not lifting very heavy yet, but was wondering about how long it took you to work up to the weight you currently lift?