When people ask fitness advice....and then don't like t...

ocean laura

Just this morning, someone came to me asking my advice because she couldn't lose weight (she just hit 40) when usually all she had to do was diet a little. I told her that dieting was only half of the equation, and that she really should add exercise to her regimen, emphasizing weight lifting.

She then proceeded to tell me all the things that would get in the way of exercising (kids, work etc.) I really think she was looking for a magic pill or for me to say "do this one thing, and it will fix all your problems". I don't think that she wanted to hear that it 1.takes time 2. isn't easy and 3. is a lifelong committment. This isn't the first time I have run into this, and I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience? Laura
No, I get more of the "I wish I had your body" comments. My scripted answer is my body didn't come from wishing. ;-)
ya.... that seems to happen a lot to people...

however, i personally feel that diet plays a more important role than exercising.... you can do a ton of exercise.. but if you eat poorly and eat a ton... you aren't gonna lose weight! however.. even if you sit around all day... and eat a healthy diet and proper amount of calories.. you'll lose weight...

HOWEVER... the BEST way is, of course... clean, heathy diet AND exercise!

p.s. did you know washing a car can be a "workout"? i decided to wear my HRM sunday just to see how many caloires... over 400! woo hoo! lol!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

Laura - I get that too. I tell them they can't have it because I worked my a$$ off to get it.:p

But I also get asked for advice. And people just say "oh I could never do that!". And go back to their old ways. Earlier this year, I had someone come to me, sincerely asking for advice. So I gave her LOTS. I took a considerable amount of time helping her out, working out eating plans and exercise plans for her. Gave her lots of moral support. She never started the exercise piece at all and quit on the diet piece about four weeks in because she wasn't losing 10 lbs a week. She's back to eating chocolate and big bagels with cream cheese every day. So I won't do it anymore. Not for anyone. I'm not wasting my time and energy.

Um, okay, that kind of turned into a rant. Sorry.
as my dad said its just more excuses from ppl who don't want to take personal responsiblity and make the time to take care of themselves, then wonder why they are always sick. i had a girl like that at work. i gave her some older denise videos,made of book of exerices and some articles of heatlhy eating choices and she still wants to think hot dogs are a good protien source(while yummy,not to be eaten on a daily basis). :-( oh well you can't always talk sense to the senseless i guess, hopefully one day everyone will figure it out and realize the big prizes only come with the hard work put into it.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"


I really like that answer!!! I think I might steal it! :)

People don't want to hear you work for it. They want an easy way. Sorry, there isn't.

I still try to help others with the eating when they ask. Only to find out that they really don't want to take my advice so maybe when I am at the grocery store I tend to roll my eyes more when I see what others are buying to eat. Not to look down on others, but geez some people need to be educated. Just a little over 4 years ago, I was one of the ones that didn't know how to eat right. I bought tons of bad food back then. It is really really really nice when you find just ONE person that has a dire need to know how to eat right and take the advice and do something with the knowledge. I did that after I came to this site. Although I still eat pizza and have love affairs with chocolate...privately with chocolate. lol

Well, but that would be hard, exercising and diet! Shiz, there has to be an easier way, right!!!

All of those fad diets that proclaim 15 lbs in 15 days with no exercise. Geeh, people think I am stupid for exercising 6 times a week (ahem mostly :) and watch my diet, eat fruit and veggies.

Fad diets are much easier! Right??? And they sure work }( :+ NOT!!

Some people can't be helped!!


this point was jsut brought up last night between mom and i. my mom's supervisors's wife(got all that LOL) is such a beautiful,thinner woman that most would think "girl you do not need to lose an ounce". well she is afraid of gaining weight and always starts one of these crazy diets and then what happens SHE GETS SICK, and her child gets sick. now its the atikins diet, NO CARBS. ugh, you would think with her husband working in the produce department(and kroger does give employee discount)she would have knowledge of fruits and veggies(i mean they have the signs up about all the good tthings spinach does for your body).

well now she is sick again. my mom mentioned every time this lady goes on a diet, it cost her husband to be out of work and my mom left with the burden. well i schooled him on my thoughs about that when i saw him at the store. we will see if my opinion gets a retort. i think its funny b/c he and i discuss weighttraining(he works out the YMCA)and good protien sources and he is always marking down bags of salads when i come in on pay day :). its a shame his wife thinks extreme dieting is healthy.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

Just a thought.

When someone asks, "How you do it", and you explain, and the reaction is "Oh, I could never take that time", it is because they probably are not doing anything and your commitment IS too much for them.

If you really want to help them, maybe explaining how to get started would be better. The 40 year old with the time commitments could start adding a walk everyday at lunch and break. Adding 10 minutes of calistenics in the morning. Journaling her food for one week to study why she is having trouble.

A person cannot go from 0 to 100 in one day, and they probably DO want help, but when they here the extent you are working out, know they cannot do that. They need a graduated process. And they need to be ready for change.
Yeah, there are always excuses to be made. Some are valid...like if you have a small child that won't give you the time and space. But if you really want it, you can find a way. Until they really want it, they can't do it.

One of my favorite quotes is "If you think you can't, then you're right".
I know someone who doesn't understand why she is not losing weight. She says she has cut out fats, but she refuses to exercise!

Sorry for her!

Exercise and food go hand in hand. I tell her that, but she will do what she wants to do.

"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day of your life!"
:) :) :)
Yes, I've had a lot of people argue with me when I give them advice that what I suggest is wrong or that they could "never do that!" I will give it one shot to explain why again or that they really can do it, etc., but after that, I just smile and say "well, you need to find what works for you then."

I won't lie. It irritates the snot out of me.
I have actually had the opposite happen. I lost 30 lbs from weight watchers and exercise in the past year. My mother, sister, and 2 friends all joined WW and they are doing very well. My mother is even fitting a walk into her day. Sis has always exercised just not too good with the food part. Anyway my mom has always been one of those ppl who doesn't have time to exercise. I am proud of them all. They are into there 2 nd month and losing slowly and consistantly.
>Yeah, there are always excuses to be made. Some are
>valid...like if you have a small child that won't give you the
>time and space. But if you really want it, you can find a
>way. Until they really want it, they can't do it.

Agreed. I have two small kids and I fit in exercise 5-6 days a week. It wasn't until I made this a priority that I finally really started to lose the weight I gained having kids. I am down to what I was before having them (though my body has fat in different places than before) and I still have more to lose (I was already 15-20 lbs overweight before having kids). I do all my workouts at home with videos or jogging. When I tell people that they say things about how they wouldn't have the self-discipline to get up and do stuff at home--they'd do better off at a gym (though usually they aren't going to the gym either). I don't get that. It's much easier to fit in my exercise at home while my littlest one is napping than to go off to the gym. Just cutting out the travel time helps--guess that's why I'm a vidiot!


I'm finding that more people in my family listen and pay attention. Especially with the eating. Some still eat junk, but I've gotten quite a few people in my family to eat things like oatmeal and flaxseed and Chicken that isn't in the form of a Mcnuggut, thanks to my heavy push of the 'Foreman Grill', Real 100% wheat bread, unsalted nuts, spinach in salad, etc. The exercising is there with some and others are flirting with the idea, but haven't quite made the plunge yet. My dh is really pushy and tells his family straight up that they eat like crap. They are fasinated by his eating, like he's from another planet. They literally stare in a trance as he cooks, with jaw slightly open, head tilted. lol!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

but perhaps you planted a little bug in her ear and when she is ready to stop making excuses she'll remember what you said. I always tell people there is absolutely no excuse for not taking care of oneself, even if one just starts with a few small steps (literally and figuratively).

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