When is ANYONE ready for Maximum Intensity Cardio??


Previewed this twice and the warm-up scared me! I'm really interested in attempting this but am afraid of hurting myself!

I'm a low advanced exerciser. Am I ready? Is there any way to ease into this tough workout? I'll be using the floor aerobics. I'll worry about the step portion when I'm strong enough to do it! LOL!

Also: I want to purchase Cardio Kicks soon. Is this a good tape for a low advanced exerciser who's never done a kickboxing tape?

You could start out by just doing half of the tape. That's what I did....it was when my step was on order (Jan. of 2000). At that time, just half of the tape was enough! Work into doing the whole thing at once.
I still only do half the tape. I just love the step part of it!! There's nothing wrong with doing the hi/lo part, and you can modify it. Cathe always starts with a base move(when you get to the hi part of hi/lo), if the plyo moves get to you, modify. You'll have this tape forever, give yourself time to work up to the intensity:). Also, Cario Kicks is a toughie. I probably get another slower kickboxing tape before starting with CK, moves are broken down few and far between. Ok, just my HO!! Good Luck!

You get ready by DOING it! Hee hee! :)

MIC is very scary to watch. Really the only thing to do is get up and start going through it. If you can't all the way through the hi/lo the 1st time, just do as much as you can and improve from there. I never do the hi/lo section, but I adore the step section. It's one of my favorites of all Cathe-dom. :)

Cardio Kicks is NOT for the inexperienced kickboxer. You really ned to get something like Kathy Smith's Kickboxing tape, or one of the Intros to Tae Bo to learn the proper form and technique. Cathe says herself that she assumes you already have a solid kickboxing base before you do the workout, so there aren't many form pointers. Once you have that, Cardio Kicks is a fabulous kickboxing video! She knows just how to motivate you to PUSH, PUSH, PUSH! :) The drill section at the end will leave you limp, sweaty, and thoroughly worked out!

Best of Luck!

Hi Kimba,
Would you believe that my first Cathe experience was MIC?
I ordered it because Collage video ranked it as moderate choreography wise instead of complex (I have two left feet to consider!) I attempted the hi/lo section the very first day I received it. I was probably a high intermediate when I attempted it. It's kinda funny, but it was one of the best times I've ever had working out! But at the same time, I almost became sick to my stomach. I had to stop and march in place for awhile before finishing the hi/lo. It was definitely too much exertion for me. I was the color of Barney the dinosaur when I finished. But I have done it several more times since then and I still love it and I have gotten more used to it. Still, it completely wipes me out and I still don't attempt the step portion afterwards!! My hat is off to anyone that can do both sections in the same workout! Just dive into it and march in place when you have to! It's loads of fun.
MIC was also my first intro to Cathe for the same reason you stated Lisa! I loved it! And I only made it through the hi/lo...barely. There has only been one time I have ever felt strong enough to go on to the step part, and that one time my son woke up, so I didn't get to try it. Doing the whole thing is one of my many goals!

RE: Agree, my friends

MIS & MIC were the first Cathe videos I ever purchased, that was about 2 years ago and I have still never done MIC. I previewed it again and again and it scares me. I can do Body Max, Cardio Kicks, and Interval Max regularly, but MIC just frightens me. I know Interval Max is tough, but you have little breaks, MIC looks like non-stop tortue. I don't know, I should do it because it looks like a killer workout, but I would rather run 10 miles or something. I am an advanced excersiser, but I am a chicken with this video.
RE: Agree, my friends

You guys crack me up! MIC is definitely one toughie of a cardio, but you would be surprised! The key is the first several times you do it, not to go "to the wall" in the first half. Over time, you can go full force the whole tape (or almost. the last 8 minutes of the step part are always a challenge to me) But on the other hand, doing each half on separate days works too! Bonus, two workouts in one.
You may all think I am bent, but I find Circuit Max harder. My legs are totally shot by the last cardio segment EVERY TIME>
RE: Agree, my friends

It's only about 15 minutes longer than Bodymax without the upperbody work. It's not that bad....I might suggest doing the step part on a 6 inch step if you are going to do the whole tape.

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