When do you measure your Meso results


I posted this at the YaYas also.
I'll finish MESO 1 Friday with Disc 11. I have to do Disc 12 today because of time restraints. Do you measure your results after the 4 weeks or after the recovery week? I must say I've had great results. I didn't really have weight to lose. I started STS at 116 with a waist of 24 7/8". That menipot was creeping up on me. I've always had a small waist...23 1/2 to 24" but the last year I was gaining inches .I was at 129 pounds and 26 1/2" waist back in July but with dietary changes.... AKA I stopped drinking.... plus changing up cardio to include lots of anaerobic drills I lost 13 pounds and 1 1/2" on my waist.But that took over 6 months. So far with STS I've lost almost a 1/2" each on waist, hips and thighs but only 2 1/2 pounds so I think I'm also losing body fat. I have an unscientific way of measuring but it gives me a sense of where I'm at. I have 2 scales that measure fat, hydration and bone mass plus a hand held one that measures fat and of course they all measure differently but somewhat close to each other. I take the 3 measurements and average and it seems my body fat is going down. I'll take a measurement later today to see where I'm at.
I can't wait to get started on MESO 2. I hope to lose more fat and gain a lot of definition. Hubby and even coworkers are noticing my results so far. Cathe kicks A$$!!!! I hope STS Cardio is just as awesome!!
OH BTW I'm also using the nutrition software and it's helping me eat way better. I'm eating more fruits and vegetables and just making better food choices overall. I know that's helping immensely.
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