When did you start working out again???


Active Member
I just had my 4th baby a week ago and am feeling great. I am sooooo eager to begin working out. I know that the "norm" is 6 weeks, but I am thinking of beginning in another week. Is this too soon? I would love to know when you resumed your workouts. Jen
Hi Jen. I know a similar question about this was posted not too long ago, but I couldn't find it on the first page here. You may want to look at page 2 or 3 and see if it's already made it that far.

I started working out, after giving birth to my second, about 2 weeks after delivery. I eased back into it using Cathe's newest series which back then, was Cross Train Express. I was on a 6" board, and modified or stopped if it was too much. I do know that my bleeding, which was pretty much gone already, did come back. I can't remember if I worked out 5 or 6 days per week, or if it was more like 3-4. I know my husband and I also took several 4 mile walks with her and my older son in the jogger stroller. I did not do situps for quite awhile afterwards as I've always read that the muscles stretch out and it can cause problems if they are not fully healed.

The main thing is to be sure to listen to your body, don't overdo it, and make sure you're getting plenty of rest.

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby!

I agree with Stacey--listen to your body.

Pay attention to your bleeding, energy level, and pain level and start things out really slowly. I started working out after baby number 5 at 3 weeks pp, using no step and slightly lower weights, but quickly moving up to a 4"step and then a 6" and higher weights. I started with making everything low impact, adding more jumping as I felt stronger.

I loved how I was able to breath so much easier once I resumed my workouts post partum:)


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