when can we buy....?


Active Member
When will we be able to buy the new Cathe items listed on the blog? When will they be posted on Cathe.com? Do you know the prices? I would like to get several of these items asap. Will the weight tower be in these items? Thank you for all the wonderful items you have offered us with the workouts and the products you now offer. I have enjoyed working out with you for the last three years and look forward to many more years to come. Julie
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I purchaed a weight tower off of Amazon for 125.oo I love it. it doesn't take up much room. It holds 8 sets of dumbells (starting at 3 lbs.)I saw other tower for 200.00 plus! Hope this helps. Kay
The weight tower is not something we're planning on selling, but the Fitness by Cathe line of Equipment should be ready sometime between Spring and Fall of 2008.

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