When are new Cathe Live videos on Roku channel?


New Member
I have the 7 day free Live and On Demand subscription and I was hoping to do Cathe’s recent Live workout from this past Thursday. However, it’s not showing up on the Roku channel. How long until the newest Live workouts appear on the Roku channel?

Hi fanilow,

It all depends on how long it takes IBM to provide us the links to the new workouts. It typically tales anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for new workouts to appear on Roku. Eventually this will be as fast and as automatic as it is now with our other apps once IBM adds this functionality to their streaming service.
I've actually noticed that I've also lost a few workouts since the time I initially downloaded the app. I used to have 175 live workouts, but now only have 172.
I have lost the workouts from 12/7/17- 11/16/17. The were showing in the app and now I don't have them and the latest video showing now is Repping It In Rounds 11/09/17.
That's because we had to redo them because Apple user's were having a pixelization problem. This means IBM will have to redo the video links on their end and this will take some time as the IBM person who does this for us is away on vacation. Eventually this will become an automatic process as it is with our other apps, but for now there will always be a delay in new Cathe Live videos showing up in Roku.

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