
<--- is getting Gilbert on the weekend!!!!
<--- just finished Bootcamp. Twice}(
<--- is all warm and snuggy in her pj's now
<--- ate some salad but needs something more to eat
<--- can't figure out what she wants
<--- thinks it might be cereal to the rescue
<---is beginning to share Shelley's obsession with cereal! :9
<---wishes <---- could get a Gilbert...Clyde would LOVE the company! :+
<---just ate some l/f cottage cheese mixed with applesauce and a dash of Splenda. YUMMY! :9
<---has her BIG calorie day tomorrow! How exciting!!! }(
<---receives and thanks Pinky for the vibes ;)
<---asks Pinky exactly what the extended version is
<---is now craving Lucky Charms thanks to Shelley and Wendy!
<---won't have any tho because they're BAD BAD BAD!
<---says goodnight to all the Catheites for sure this time

<---say good night to Kali and all other Catheites who might be turning in.
<---tells Kali <---is not a lucky charms fan but would kill for a bowl of cookie crisp!!!
<----buys DH cookie crisp in the new peanut butter flavor! :9 <----doesn't eat it though. :-(
<----thinks Pinky's extended Low Max is very very }( }( }( !!!
<---is so excited for Shelly and Sophie and Gilbert:7
<---thinks dogs are the best creatures ever
<---wishes Wendy luck with job search and hopes Wendy doesn't worry too much;-)
<---is devouring a protein bar
<---just finished ME upperbody and GS legs
<---hates FIL extra bad today
<---still hasn't changed calender to Oct:eek:
<---found final piece of Rennaissance costume today
<---is so jealous of Carole's running
<---is pleased to say that the damn pumpkin spice latte does not sound at all appealing to me so <--is safe:p
<---thinks Debbie's workout is crazy!!!
<---wishes i had that kind of energy
<---got a manicure and pedicure today and feels much better
<---loved the writing style of author of Kite Runner and thought it was an extreemly sad story


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