whats your unhealthy vice

I love this thread so I'm reviving it:
I feel like I personally know some of you just from reading!!
My vices:
1. Beer. Love it. Love the taste of it. Go to lots of social things with my friends, don't think i'll ever give this one up.
2. Pizza- only met one i didn't care for LOL.
3. Speaking of talking to your pets too much. My dog and I have a language of our own I swear. He is so needy of me that he pines away in the window when I leave.

Any I agree with the poster earlier, wine is a health food! LOL
Watching too much TV.

Trigger foods (I have to avoid them, or I eat way too much) : sweets, simple carbs, chips

Not cleaning enough (my dust bunnies have babies!)

Putting myself though stress by letting some things go to almost the last minute (like a book review I have due April 1, but for which I haven't finished the book!)
I made no bake oatmeal cookies with my pb2 yesterday and I had to put them in the fridge out of eyesight so I would leave them alone!:) I wish I could think of a butter sub for these that would not change the consistancy of the cookie! Man these things are sooooo good! I think this will be my new unhealthy habit!
Too much shopping

shopping, shopping and more Cathe DVD shoppin. 2 months ago I had Basic Step/ Body Fusion and Low Impact Step/TBS. Now I have those 2, LIC, TBSt, MM, B&G, HST, HSC, PH+,BBTS, BC/ME, STS, STS abs and just preordered STS cardio.

Does anyone need that many DVD's at once? Poor credit card, working so hard.
Bred with peanut butter and jelly,I get Natural Peanut butter and no sugar on the Jelly. And weekend, nachos or any mexican food that I cook.
Vices? Oh please...my number one HAS to be white wine...any wine actually. I am on a strict eating plan and cannot indulge...I don't really miss it actually, I make a herbal tea at night now instead, but it WILL be fun on 12 weeks to drink a bottle or two, OOPS, I mean a glass or two.;)

I quit smoking in December but still sorta "cheat" a puff here and a puff there, it SUCKS. Ever since I started a strict eating plan..BAM there goes my anti-smoking willpower. I used to smoke almost 2 packs a day so hey, I will get back to zero puffs.
um sweets... especially if I can't figure out how many calories I've eaten for the day. It is as if it is an all or nothing deal. I am either VERY good with my eating or very BAD. I really need to figure this one out. :confused:

Other than that... diet caffeine free soda.
I love anything sweet. It's so addicting too. I have to avoid it. I have a tiny bit of chocolate everyday so I can get through the limitations I have on sweets.

I have 2 of these t-shirts because it is the dark side for me, and sometimes I go there:eek:

I love anything sweet. It's so addicting too. I have to avoid it. I have a tiny bit of chocolate everyday so I can get through the limitations I have on sweets.

I have 2 of these t-shirts because it is the dark side for me, and sometimes I go there:eek:

I am there... at a seminar and they have scones, and banana nut bread and decadent cookies. I am either in heaven or hell... I haven't decided which. Help me, I can't stop!
Jumbo Brand sunflower seeds...really large yummy and half the salt...gawd, i could eat the whole bag..like 650 calories worth alone...with 8 oz of merlot:)....
I have many, but if I had to choose...

White wine-Love it!!!! Could drink it EVERY night, but I don't let myself.

Pizza-Love it!!!! Could eat it EVERY night. You would think I'd get burned out, but no... NEVER! I could probably give up sweets, but not my pizza!!

Cheez-Itz-I buy these for my daughter and tell myself I am buying them for my daughter, but somehow I always end up eating most of them. If I get started I won't stop.

I love reading these! Here are mine...

*too much internet
*too much TV
*sweets -- I love anything chocolate, especially dark; I love ice cream with hot fudge and melted peanut butter; I love cookies, cookie dough, and bar cookies (must be slightly underbaked); I love brownies, but I love brownie batter even more; when I am trying to be *good* I eat a piece of Dove dark or Dove dark chocolate covered almonds
*mexican food
*and my latest obsession is LIPTON DIET GREEN TEA!!!!
Coffee! Somebody mentioned 3-4 cups. I'm closer to 3-4 pots! Although it's an 8 cup coffee maker, I can drink two pots on a weekend morning and sometimes a pot in the afternoon. "Moderation" is not necessarily part of my vocabulary. I also talk to my dogs and they actually do talk back. I've even had people comment how odd it is that my dogs talk back to me - so I know it's not just in my head :).
1. Soft serve Yogurt.
2. Spending way too much money on fitness related stuff (DVD's, shoes, etc...)
3. Once a while I crave fries from In-N-Out. (I haven't had any for 3 months now)
4. Reading forum posts instead of studying. (Like now)

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