What's your most peaceful time of day?

when the kids are asleep,and its just me and my husband! I either read a book,study(medical student)or will watch a movie/tv.vey nice!

another favorite time is when I go walking in the nearest park!The squirrls there kinda follow you around,very cute! And with a lake in the middle of the track there's alot to look at!

This is going to sound so goofy but my most peaceful time(s) of the day is 6:54 ~~ a.m. and p.m.:+ We are number geeks at my house and get excited at 5:55, 12:34,...any time that has a pattern or sequence. It occurred to me one day that I love 6:54 because in the a.m. I am sitting quietly thinking or not thinking with my morning coffee and that at 6:54 p.m. dinner is done, the dishes are done and I'm sitting quietly for yet another few precious moments:)

Take Care
What a good question.

My most peaceful time of day is the first 15 minutes or so after getting into bed. The sheets are nice and cool and I just feel like a wet noodle laying there!

I think my MOST peaceful time is when I go to bed and get involved in whatever book I am reading. I forget about my own day and any troubles I have and get into the characters and THEIR lives.


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
During the week, when I am not working, I really enjoy the super early morning before DH starts stirring (that is if he actually slept!). When I am working over the weekend, it's as I am putting my earplugs and eyemask on and sinking into the wonderfulness that is known as my bed!!! (I work nights)
My most peaceful time of day is in the mornings. I get up extra early so that I have time for coffee and relaxing before DS (or on weekends DH) gets up. I usually have time like this at night too but my mornings are THE BEST!:)
My most peaceful time is the early morning between 5-7 am. Kids and husband are still sleeping so I enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the news or I may go on a walk. I love the mornings!!
In the morning before the children arise and when the children are at school!! But now I have to go back to work UGGGHHH. So I will miss my peace!!! Annette
Definitely early morning. DH is a late sleeper, so I am up at 5:30 and have until late morning most days to myself. I love this time. I enjoy my coffee, a workout, breakfast, and walk with the dogs b/f he gets up.

I'm not sure if I remember having a peaceful time of day anymore, which is sad if I think about it. I used to love it when I had the house to myself for at least an hour or two, but every since my mother moved in with us and because of everyone's different shifts, there is ALWAYS someone here...questioning and following every move I make...sighhhhh...I miss my mountain hikes as well, no one ever followed me up a mountain...:p




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