What's your favorite Stephen King book?


OK, some of you might not want to admit it, but I'm 99% certain we've all read at least one. ;-)

I saw bits & pieces of The Stand (arguably one of the best TV movies ever made) over the w/e & it reminded me of how much I LOVED this book. It's truly a classic story of the battle between good & evil. Great character development, suspenseful, an all out fun read.

I think #2 for me would be Carrie. Payback for all of us who were bullied in high school!

What about you guys?
I liked The Stand too, but my favourite book is The Bachman Books, which I think still qualifies. I loved all those stories.

I kind of feel sorry for Stephen King because they make SUCH a mess of his books on the big screen.
The Stand is my fave by far. :)

ETA Have you read Lisey's Story? It was IMHO one of his top ten. I am now reading Blaze and looking forward to Duma Key.
I agree that The Stand was a great book. My favorite is the Dark Tower Series. I love how characters and scenes from almost all of his other books play a part and ties everything together!!
The Dark Tower Series. I love every one of them, even though he really ticked me off with the end of that last one. I know that's far more than just one book... but you can't read just one.

I can't handle his horror stuff though.
Shannon I agree with you on the last book in the Dark Tower Series. I was so exhausted by the time I finished and then with that ending @#$#@#$!!!!!!!
OMG, The Stand is my all time favorite, and I caught bits and pieces of it on Sci Fi this weekend. I was bummed I couldn't just curl up and watch the whole thing! I hope they re-play it!
Oh the Shining is definitely in the top 5! And that's one movie that was fabulous, definitely stuck to the book. Also I do believe Jack Nicholson was born to play that role!
I agree with everyone who said "The Stand" was their fave...mine too. :) I also liked "Carrie," "Cujo," and "Christine" a lot! :)

I have to admit, I've not read the other books you all have listed on here, but one that I have read was "The Talisman" which Stephen King wrote with Peter Straub. I loved that the good guy won in the end!
The first SK book I read was "Carrie" so that's probably my favorite. Mostly I've just seen his movies. I tried to read one of his books called "Insomnia". I had begged and begged my mom for this for Christmas and she got it for me. I was about 15 or 16 I think and I would read some every night but every night that I read I had these terrible nightmares and would wake up screaming. The sketch drawings at the beginning of each chapter freaked me out. My mom actually took it away from me and banned me from reading it. I never have picked it up again cause it freaked me out so much.

I liked the Dead Zone a lot. Pet Cemetary freaked me out and Thinner made me not feel so bad about having a few extra pounds. :)
I used to be addicted to those books. Haven't rread any in a long time. My fave was the one about the store? Something about Things in the title. I am drawing a complete blank?
I read one Dragon's Eyes and never read another. I'm in the minority here, but I just don't like his style.
Needful Things? That was a good one!

If you haven't figured out by now, I'm a huge fan. Perhaps even his number one fan. ;-) }( :p (yet another movie that transferred really well from the book)

Did you go see 1408? I can't wait for this to come out on dvd. I read on MSN that they can't make horror movies good anymore but that this one was psychologically terrorizing!!



I forgot how much I loved the Stand too. I also loved IT! I had nightmares about clowns after that one (wuz a teenager when I read it)

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