What's your favorite cardio workout?

What's your favorite cardio workout?

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I love kickboxing, but I haven't tried a class at the gym. All I've done is Cathe - LOVE KPC, not crazy about Kick Max.

But last spring, a friend encouraged me to trying spinning (my first gym class ever!) and I am truly addicted! One of my instructors always picks the BEST music and is very motivating.

I wish I could be a runner, but my joints have other ideas.... x(
I also like circuits as my fav. Especially Cathe circuits, it's an all for one cardio and weights. Step second followed by KPC.

It's a toss up right now between kickboxing (love Turbo Jam!) and circuit training. Equal to it, but don't get to do it often, is power hiking. It's getting close to that time of the year when I will hike in the woods for hours!
I am with Beavs on this one...I don't usually want to do them, but I know that they are the best for me.
I voted other because my answer would be "all of the above". I have to constantly mix it up or I get bored and demotivated. Right now I'm training for a 10-mile run on Oct. 1. I'm almost through my 10-week training program for that, and I'm so bored by now! I cross train 2 times per week, but I'm getting bored with running and can't wait for this race to be over and I can mix up my training more again.
I voted other as well. I do all forms of cardio. Right now that the weather is cool in the morning, I am power-walking in the morning. But I also like kickboxing, cycling and step.


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