What's your favorite cardio workout?

What's your favorite cardio workout?

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I've found myself really getting into kickboxing lately. I used to love step but the kickboxing is so much fun! Plus it seems to have the added benefit of working other bodyparts (back, shoulders, etc). It's like the workout is over before I even know it.

So what's your fave?
My favorite workout is dancing. During the winter I do advanced jazz dancing. The class flies by and is always over too soon. The music is awesome and it feels amazing when you nail a new move. I especially enjoy pirouetting. This year I hope to nail the stag leap.
I too really enjoy kickboxing but dancing still wins out.
In the summer my favorite cardio workout is a tie between biking and swimming.
I voted for running...been doing it for about 6 months now and I love it! It's my fave...for now atleast!:p

Prior to running it was most definately step!}(
Kickboxing is definitely number 1 for me, with step at number 2.

I can't stand machine cardio, and get bored with it very quickly. The last time I did machine cardio was in a hotel workout room, and I spent 5-10 minutes each on the stationary bike, stepper, elliptical and treadmill, which made it less boring.
I'm a Kickbox fan too. Dance and step are my next two faves, even though I do more step, since I burn way more calories than with dance.
while i love love kickboxing, and adore cathe's step i had to vote for running on this.its great workout,easy to do, and can be done just about anywhere. instead of focusing on choregraphy and form you just go and let the weight of the world just melt away(along with the pounds).



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I really, really like cicuit training. I find that I tend to push myself even harder for each segment knowing that I will switch up soon. I feel like a get a mroe effective workout and I definately sweat more!
I love, Love, LOVE my elliptical!!:eek:
In fact, I have always HATED cardio with a passion--all forms--until my beloved Eli came into my life. And Cardio Coach! Well, what can I say? I love Cardio Coach, I adore Coach Sean:+, and I have never done more cardio in my life. This piece of equipment, coupled with CC, has made a radical difference in my exercise habits. I must say, though, that I probably would not like the elliptical quite so much without the CC workouts ;)
I have to agree, I LOOOOOVE kickboxing. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would, but found out it's GRRRREAT! Step is second vote, fun fun learning the moves(I love a challenge:)) .

My fave right now is running. I needed something new last spring and started training for a half marathon. Running has challenged my cardio capacity BIG TIME and I'm fascinated with the way my body has adapted. Running out doors has put a whole new shine on cardio for me:) I'm looking forward to putting more step and kickbox into my cardio after my run on October 1st, so fun to mix things up.:)

Take Care
I kickboxed myself right out the door since that is all I used to do because I loved it so much :D . Now I'm on a total step craze. I never thought the day would come when I could say that, but it's here and I'm psyched! Dancey hi-lo is a close second.
Well, I'm struggling here...spinning and step run a close tie for #1. But, I picked step as I've been doing it longer...that's much much longer! :) :) I should add kickboxing is definitely up there also!


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