What's your discipline strategy?

I'm a long time lurker who has great admiration for everyone on this Forum. I know that you're human and imperfect like everyone else, but this group seems to have something special- that extra bit of focus or discpline that makes a huge difference when it comes to creating top notch health.

Would you please share your discipline strategy or perspective with me? What keeps you going? How do you keep on keepin' on?

I did so well for so long...and then life got complicated and stressful and I just can't get that extra bit of oompf back. I'd love to reach my health goals sometime before I die (I'm 32, lol), but right now it seems like an uphill battle while carrying all my workout equipment. I truly feel like the big thing I'm lacking is discipline.

Gee, I hope I'm spelling discipline right. :p

Connie :)
Here's one tip - I allow myself one complete cheat day a week. By that I mean I eat whatever I'm in the mood for. It does wonders for me and keeps me chugging the rest of the week.


I don't want to take a pill. Go to Africa, go follow some bushman around. He's being chased by a lion. That's stress. You're not going to find a pygmy on Paxil, I'll tell you that right now.
-Ellen Degeneres
I don't freak out if I miss a workout day. I take working out day by day, not week by week, or month by month, etc. Every time you workout is an accomplishment and you should be proud. I don't even schedule "rest days". If I'm busy or tired, I don't workout. Period. It's usually only once or twice a week, but I enjoy having that leniency. Be nice to yourself. Tomorrow is another day.

ETA: I guess that doesn't show discipline, does it? I'm a Type A person all the way and would end up beating myself to the ground so I try to be easier with myself. Sorry I'm not more helpful....

I just enjoy it too much to quit. I look forward to my workout at the end of every day. And it helps to relieve the tension I get from sitting in front of a computer all day. So when it comes to working out, I really don't need discipline.

Now if we're talking about eating right... well... I need to learn discipline! I work on it, then slide back. I eat pretty well overall, but when it comes to attaining a specific goal, I'm pretty much a failure. I'm working very hard right now but haven't figured out something that really works for me.
Hi Allison, thanks for your reply. Actually, you did help! :) I'm a Type A personality, too. I've tried to carry that over into my workouts by doing various Cathe rotations. In the past it's worked really well for me. Perhaps, though, right now taking workouts day by day would be better for my mental health. Instead of an all or nothing approach, I could just do what I felt up for in a workout and be proud of working out at all. Yeah, yeah...I'm liking this approach more and more. Thanks! :D
I'm right there with you about eating right! I can do so superbly well for days at a time, and then it's like my steam gets used up and I slide backwards. Let me know if you figure out a way to avoid that, ok? And I'll return the favor. ;)

Connie :)
When I was losing weight my biggest obstacle was food. I loved working out but it was so hard not to eat ALL the time!!! I really became mindful of everything that I put into my mouth. If I wanted to eat something bad, I would stop and think how I would feel after I ate it. Thinking before I ate really helped me to isolate my triggers and to make concious choices about food. Also, because I was working out, I realized that I needed to eat the right foods to get the most out of my workout. My workouts were much harder when I chose the wrong foods.
Like Shannon, I love to workout & I look forward to my workouts every morning. It's the only "ME" time I get throughout the week & I love it. As for food, I can make myself eat clean & healthy for breakfast & lunch most every day of the week mainly because I'm too cheap to spend money to eat out if I already have something here at work. Of course, I don't know what your situation is so that might not be an option for you. I usually do indulge & go out for lunch one day each week (today I went out for sushi). Supper during the work week is actually very similar because my DH & I tend to have a large salad or grill out or make something else that's somewhat healthy. But like Deb, I do allow myself cheat days each week. Yes, I said days... plural. I give myself the weekend off... of everything. I don't workout & I eat (& drink) what I want... well, within reason because we usually have cereal for breakfast at least one of the days & sometimes Subway is for lunch or else we only end up eating 2 meals because we sleep in... well, you get the picture. I know I would make more progress if I was a little more strict with myself but it seems to work for me. Plus, it motivates me to get back to working out & eating healthy once Monday rolls back around too. So listen to your body & be kind to yourself. If you fall off the wagon, just brush yourself off & jump right back on!:)
For me it is all about quality of life. My life is so much better with exercise in it. I have a good memory, so it is easy for me to remember times when things weren't so good. I look back to the worst times of my lfe and find the one common denominator was I wasn't doing any exercise at all.

I read all I could on exercise and health, and found that I could easily answer no to most questions that began with "Are you healthy?"
That had to change.

I never want to go back to the way I used to be, I like who I am when I work out, I can't stand myself when I don't, fear is a strong motivator.

Not only that, but it's just plain fun to move!!

As for eating, overall, I am satisfied with my diet. It is by no means perfect, never will be, and I'm cool with that. As long as I know I am making healthy choices most of the time, I can live with that.

My discipline stems from my love of working out and I love it because it makes me feel good. Even if I don't feel like doing it, I push myself to get it done because I know I will be happier after the fact. It clears my mind and makes my body feel good. I feel like a sloth if I don't work out. I take rest days, don't get me wrong, but if I blow off work outs for no good reason I feel terrible both mentally and physically so I JUST DO IT and am always glad I did. :)
Another tip is to pick workouts you enjoy doing. That makes it easier. I also change the way I work out for variety. I may do a whole body workout one day and cardio the next. Then change it up and do cardio and strength on the same day. I find that there are some of Cathe's videos I go back to time and time again.
I had to find a time to devote to working out that wouldn't interfere with the rest of my life. That meant getting up at 4 am to do it, but once I made myself get in bed at 9:00, it really became a routine. I just found that if I thought I could fit in a workout after working all day and with kids at home, I was fooling myself. So the discipline for me for getting up early. It doesn't even feel hard now, I look forward to it.

I do exactly the same thing. In the rare instances that I take a rest day during the week, I don't feel right all day at work.
Connie it's a up hill battle for me too. In order for me to workout I get up 1 hour earlier than I should. I love aerobics and weight training so I guess that is part of the strategy...do what you love. Also I love working out with exercise DVDs. I often (maybe too much LOL) reward myself with a new DVD.

My other strategy is to plan my tough workouts for the beginning of the week, when I have the most energy so by Friday I'm only doing a light workouts (yoga, toning, stretching).

Hope this helps

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