I've seen that post on the other forum and I tried to respond, but I think I was misunderstood. I sometimes, just don't do well with communicating through writing alone. I would think that theory on interval training was for true interval training. I'm thinking Imax type intervals where your heart rate really shoots up there. The blasts or intervals included in many other workouts (Cathe's and especially other instructors) to me aren't what I would call a true interval workout in that my heart rate doesn't get up as high, stay up as high, nor do I work as hard as I do in an Imax workout. So I would think, if your body can handle it, you could actually do interval workouts more than once a week. To me what matters is listening to your body and knowing what you can handle. There may be a week I actually do all out interval training twice than the next week I focus on kickbox cardio or whatever. Also, there are some CIA cardio workouts that include blasts and I love them but they are nothing close to an Imax blast and I do them on days I'm not up to an Imax or a Cathe cardio workout. They are great cardio workouts and more steady state with some higher heart rate elevation for the short blast sections but not what I would consider all out interval training. Another set, Barry's Boot Camp, has been given some flack for being too high impact but it's only 20 minutes or less a day and it's as close to HITT cardio as I've ever been at home without a treadmill so yes, that to me is some tough cardio and people say you shouldn't do it every day, but I can and do when I'm using that set in a rotation (an hour a day I couldn't handle, nor would I think it would be good for me, but 20 min. or less a day is fine by me). Of course, I'm NO expert, but those are my thoughts and it just makes sense to me.
In the future, I hope Cathe does a Rhythmic Step 2 with rocking music and dancy moves for a nice, long steady state cardio type workout.