What's the nicest compliment you've gotten since you started working out?


I'd love to hear! So far mine has been 'WOW! You look great!' at a family reunion, where the last time I saw them I was only a few months postpartum. Which may not sound like much, but it made my day.

Look forward to hearing all the great comments !
Mine will live with me forever! My dad, who is 75 y/o had been pressuring me for many years to lose weight before it killed me, and because it was always a sore subject for me I would let months and months go by before visiting him since I knew he would say something unkind about my weight. Once I began losing weight he really never said much, probably expecting it to go right back on, but in February of this year he suffered a severe stroke leaving him unable to speak, and when I went to see him, he looked at me, made the "hourglass" gesture with his hands, smiled a huge smile and clapped his hands. He was saying he was proud of me, and that was/is the nicest compliment I've ever gotten.

Wow, Donna!

Your post brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful compliment, and to receive it from your Dad!!! You have worked sooo hard this past year and you deserve a BIG compliment!!! I cannot top yours, but I get complimented all the time by my DH! He makes me feel good. I did get a compliment from a gal in a store that said she'd kill for my arms! (Just after doing the Tank Top Rotation and S&H!!) That made my day. CJ, congrats on your postpartum success!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I get complimented all the time, especially since I got certified as a PT, by the folks at the church. I think they notice me more in terms of being in shape now. I just tell them I have to look the part.

One compliment came to me out of the blue last Friday when I was at a gift shop (in Smithville, Deb H) to see the artist Tom Clark, who sculpts little gnomes that I collect (a very small collection). I collect only gnomes that are food associated, candy and ice cream in particular. I brought 3 gnomes for him to sign, two of which were chocolate related gnomes, and he said in his nice North Carolina drawl, "You don't look like you like chocolate." I says, "Yeah, once a week."

Too cool!
Way to go, Donna! I really hope you get in a magazine or something someday to show off your success story! Someone needs to report your tale to Good Housekeeping or one of those publications. They love to run stuff like that.
How nice that they compliment you HB! Your hard work sure has paid off! I agree that someone should do a success story on Donna! What an inspiration!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I've told this story before, but I love telling it so I'll tell it again . . .

A couple of years ago I graduated myself from modified push-ups off the knees to straight-leg push-ups off the toes. One afternoon I was grinding my way through my push-up set, trying to go for 30 (had only been able to do 20-25 before) and my husband, who normally takes my working out for granted (in an affectionate way) came in from bring the trash outside and stood watching me. I was seriously struggling through the last five push-ups, but as I ground my way up to #30 I heard him say behind me, "I'm proud of you, Dolly."

I am loving these!

that reminds me, the time my 4 year old saw a (ripped) guy pumping iron in a commercial, and said "look, there's you mama!" Which made us all laugh!!
I think the nicest compliment I've gotten since I started working out was this very weekend. DH and I were in the library and I noticed a guy looking at me. After a few minutes he said, "excuse me, do you workout?" I replied, "yes", (sheepishly), then he asked me if I competed! Needless to say I immediately said a prayer of thanks to Cathe and floated on cloud nine the rest of the day!:-jumpy

I love reading all the compliments.

Yesterday, we all went to my nephew's 18th birthday party. I later noticed that my 18 year old daughter looked upset and was telling my nephew friends (her friends as well) to be quiet and to stop it.

I later asked my daughter what was wrong and why she was upset. She replied that her guy friends had comment "your mom is hot, what a hottie, where have you been hiding her".

Wow!! My first though was "Cathe tapes are working"


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