What's so great about Power90X?


Is this really a must-have series? Are the pull-up exercises the only significant difference to Cathe? I can see this being effective for a beginner but how about someone who has been lifting for a few years? Will the difference in exercises turn my body into a lean mean muscle machine?

I am just coming off a rotation doing S&H twice a week, together with one hour of cardio/cardio with light weights and have been doing PH/BootCamp on alternate days with an hour of straight cardio since the beginning of this week.

What will P90X do for me?
I am not at all interested in this series if it helps. Really, how many different ways can you lift a barbell or dumbbell that hasn't already been done. I'm not knocking weightlifting, but I only need a few weight workouts, because it all begins to look the same after awhile. Now cardio, IMO, offers much more variety and creativity.:)
First, P90X is not for beginners. It's the most advanced strength training workouts on the market today.

Second, the majority of the strength workouts are push ups and pull ups, which are so flippin' tough.

The format is different also. Each exercise is done by time and you decide the rep range. For instance, if you want to build strength and muscle, your rep range will be 8-10. If you are looking to lean out, your rep range will be 12-15. The key is to make sure that you can not do another rep. You need to totally fatique the muscle you're working.

I'm an advanced exerciser and these workouts have taken my fitness level to a level it hasn't been since I was bodybuilding. For anyone who wants a really tough series, strength wise, I highly recommend this series. It's awesome!
Fab40 ... I have to agree, I really don't get what all the hoopla is all about, I don't need to lift things like a man, and be able to do a chin up, I can think of better things to spend 150 + bucks on :7 ... Rhonda:7
First off, P90X is definitely an advanced series, NOT for beginners! What I like about it most is that it is a rotation that is already set up, covering 90 days. The workouts are:
weeks 1-3
chest/back (lots of push-ups and pull-ups in push/pull fashion, but modifications shown for pullups using a band) and Ab Ripper x (pilates-like core work and crunch-less ab work that is killer!)
plyometrics (intense cardio/plyo)
shoulder and arms (I LOVE the set up of this workout: go from shoulders to biceps to triceps, repeat, then rest and stretch before oging into a second cycle, 4/5 cycles total)
yoga X (a tough 90 minute yoga routine)
legs and back (lots of unique leg moves, with light weights or no weights, but they are effective!, alternating with back work no exercises are repeated).
Kenpo: martial arts. Not a tough workout on its own, but following the leg day, and with DOMS still hanging on from shoulder and arms, it's effective.
stretch X

Then you have a recovery week which includes yoga, stretching, kenpo, and "core synergistics," a very unique routine with light weights, lots of core moves.

The next cycle (weeks 5, 6, 7) substitutes different upper body weight workouts (chest/shoulder/triceps in a cycle, and back/biceps, no exercises repeated), but is otherwise like weeks 1-3.

I'm in week 7 of the rotation, and my abs have never been in such great shape, I've got more muslce definition, I'm more flexible, and my geetchy shoulder has taken very well to the stretches and shoulder exercises.

Granted, some of these results could be attained, maybe, by a differnt rotation, but the P90X one is so well set up. I'm even going to use it as a template for future rotations (ie: Cathe's Slow and Heavy could sub for week 1-3 weight work, and PS could be used for week 5-7 weights, though the cycle set up of P90X is so much more interesting that doing one exercise for three sets, then going on to the same body part, and finishing it off before going on to body part 2).
For the life of me, I can't think of anything I'd rather spend $150 bucks on than P90X, as a matter of fact our family isn't eating this month.....NO REGRETS. ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

What Kepi said....and I'd add that Cathe workouts continue to seem more endurance based with the exception of S&H. I'm a fast twitched muscle person who thrives on heavy, shorter sets for muscle development. The P90X is all about what YOU can do and because everybody is doing something different...you are not comparing yourself to the crew, you are doing YOUR best. And there is nothing that works the back and arms like a good pullup, all in various positions.

I will always be a loyal Cathe fan and I can't WAIT until she comes out with a similar series. I also will enjoy seeing what I can do in my Cathe workouts after I finish this series, but don't knock the P90X until you've tried it. (and it's fun to do something different for a while)

So Kepi are my abs getting incredibly hard and defined because of the P90X or because were not eating this month??? }( }( }(

I guess we all have different taste in exercise. I think Cathe is great. I love and own practically all of her DVDs. But P90X is great too. I love to exercise and with P90X I have a lot more variety. It is definitely very advanced and can take you to a new level of fitness.
I remember doing Firm workouts and thinking there can't be anything better than these. I stuck to that thinking for years. I had heard of Cathe, but refused to get sucked into another workout instructor. Well, I finally caved and got into Cathe's workouts. I couldn't believe I hadn't gotten her stuff sooner. I thought how dumb am I? LOL! Cathe was a whole new world. I haven't touched a Firm workout since. Well, I have the same feeling with the P90x workouts. They are a whole new world and have pushed my fitness level to a completely new level. I'm in better shape than ever. My abs are more defined than ever as are my arms and legs and I look nothing like a man, LOL!. I'm slim and well defined and I have never been stronger. These workouts are tough and I can't imagine trying them if I had never done Cathe workouts. They are alot different than Cathe's workouts. With these workouts, I am more on my own, but I have a personal trainer (Tony) to guide me and I like that feeling. I've learned alot about what works for me, it's been a great education along the way and I feel I can now use my Cathe workouts to a better advantage from what I have learned with these P90x workouts. These workouts are a perfect compliment to Cathe's.
I am in NO way knocking your choice to buy this series or knocking the series itself, just saying I have NO interest in it... and don't know what all the fuss is about, and I never will cause I won't spend the money on it:7 ............. Rhonda:7
I haven't tried these workouts but I am interested in the building up of muscle. Endurance workouts have their place but so do the exercises your talking about. After hearing this it really makes me want to try these workouts. Although the $150.00 does make me kind of wince, but if your getting those kind of results that price is less than a gym membership for a year. I wonder if I can just start with getting a few at a time, or maybe someone else has tried them and doesn't like them and I can get them for cheaper, maybe?
Well, you get a whole bunch of 1 hr DVDs (maybe 12?) for that money. It's not such a bad deal after all, right?
I am especially intrigued by the series now since so many Cathe lovers are loving it. Thanks for all the honest opinions and break downs of the workouts. I just spent $150....:7

If the home exercisers on this forum like it, I am sure I'll like it, too.

I can relate, I started out with the Firm and thought they walked on water. Then I discovered Cathe and the Firm was history, I am actually exited about trying something new. I already tried a chin-up on the playground and managed two of them.
Rhonda, it sounds like this series is not for you, which is perfectly OK. But the hoopla is real. This series is awesome. Plus, you get 12 workouts, a workout manual and a nutrition manual for your $150.00. I was one of the few that paid full price for this set and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Briee, it's most likely the combination of both. LOL! :)
Just had to chime in and say that I am in LOVE with the P90x workouts. I've been working out for over 10 years with Cathe and the Firm, etc, and nothing has ever given me the results that P90x is giving me ! These workouts have challenged me like no other and I amd DEF. seeing results in only 2 weeks! Tony Horton rocks! I would love to see another series just like this one. It was $150 well spent!
Maybe Cathe can develop a series like the Power90x workouts. I think she's a great instructor and maybe she could come up with something similar to that. Maybe I'll put the suggestion on the board that asks for new ideas for her dvd's.
Mari!...the salesperson..:)

yes another monster! I have to say in the short time I have done P90X as I have lifted weights and read many weighlifters books in the last 20 years that there are arm exercises in P90X that I had NEVER heard of or seen before...can you say "muscle confusion"! That is why I like this series so well. I am doing the rotation but still adding Cathe where I think I need it. They compliment each other well...and as Mari said $150 for 12 DVDs and a workout book and nutrition guide. Quite a deal I think...:)...Carole
Where do you buy Power 90X ? is this with BeachBody, by any chance? When I ordered from them in the past.. I had problems with them.

You have peaked my interest greatly in this series!! But.. is it like extremely difficult? I love a good challenge, but don't want it too tough, that I get discouraged cuz it's too hard & I can't do it.

Thanx for any info.

Linda :)

Yes it's with beachbody.com. I had no problems and got it a few days early! I would say it is very advanced, but there is always a person modifying the workout. check it out thru the website...:)...Carole

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