What's my dang barbell problem?!


Hello there,

I finally decided it was time to break out my barbell (instead of using dumbbells) for my leg routine today. I have two problems :

1) During the workout : When I had the barbell on my shoulders and was lightly gripping the shaft, my arms felt like they started to swell and then began to ache while I was squating. Because of this I kept having to adjust my grip wider and wider (so that my hands were further away from my head) but I can't imagine this is the right thing to do...(by the way, I did S&H legs today, kickboxing yesterday and S&H chest the day before).

2) 12 hours or so after the workout : When I tilt my head backwards, I feel a stiffness in my neck. I'm guessing this also has to do with holding the barbell funked up.

Can anyone give me some advice? I'd really appreciate it!
I think a barbell pad would be great, but I'm not sure that would solve the problems here.

I'm wondering if the bar is cutting off the circulation to your arms? It could be the placement--it should be resting on the top of your traps & delts--almost like there should be space between your lower traps & the bar. If that makes sense.

The neck problem sounds like it could be form--not necessarily bad form, just something your body has to get used to. When you squat w/a barbell your head should remain upright & static--sometimes it helps to pick a focus point on the wall in front of you to make sure your head doesn't move while you perform the exercise. If this is how you're doing your squats I can see how initially it might make your neck sore, but it's something that should ease over time.

Did I help at all, or make things worse?

Thanks very much for your responses.

No nice response could make anything worse! I really appreciate your advice!

I'm fairly sure that I'm placing the barbell on the correct area...I can't imagine why the circulation in my arms would do something like that? I'll be sure to double-check on my placement more closely next time.

And thanks for the guess about the neck pain. I hope you're right and that I just need to get used to it some. I'll try choosing a focus point.

That makes me now wonder - when doing squats, the head will be in line with the back, and that whole line is slightly tilting forward...but when you squat down, does the angle of the upper body/head change at all? Does the upper body/head just go up and down on a vertical plane in the same position, or does the upper body/head adjust by bowing more slightly forward to keep balance?

Sorry this is becoming a "What's my dang squat problem?!" thread!
>I have the same symptoms from using a barbell. My hands
>bother me because of my carpal tunnel though. I would suggest
>getting a barbell pad that is called the manta ray. You can
>find more information on it here.
>It is the only thing that has made using a barbell comfortable
>for me.

Tsut, do you use the Troy Lite barbell? I was wondering if this device will work with it.

I have this problem A LOT. Especially with Pyramid Lower Body. I use dumbbells as much as I can. When I don't, I use a bar pad. It helps somewhat but not 100%. I'm nursing my shoulder blade/neck area right now because I think when I did my leg work last week and used the barbell, it messed me up. Luckily not bad, but enough for me to notice it.
Michelle - I believe my bar is part of a Weider weight set. I am not sure if the Troy Lite is the same size. I have used the Manta Ray at the gym and it fits perfectly for the 45 lb. Olympic bar. I hope I made sense.
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Hmmm, I'm trying to picture this--I do squats on a smith machine for this very reason--it forces you to keep your form.

I believe your upper body should remain in the same position when you squat. If you imagine yourself sitting down in a chair, the movement should be coming from the lower body only, mostly from the hip flexors down. So my advice is yes, the upper body should remain static while the lower body does all the work.

This would be a great question for Cathe--I'm not positive I'm answering correctly & would love to get her thoughts.......
I also have a neck problem! Seems to be a common ailment amongst us!x(

I don't have a barbell pad yet but I found that wrapping a towel around it has the same effect and saved me a little money!

Is there a chance that you are hyperflexing your wrists while holding the barbell? That could cut off circulation and aggravate your arms!

Hope this gets easier! :)
I'm just going to chime in here and say that if I use a barbell continuously for a workout...my elbows start to ache from constantly being in the bent position. Now, this has just become a problem in the last year or so, so I think it's just an aging thing for me but...I do try to use dumbbells more and bodybars.

I also use a pad on the barbell just because it is more comfortable on my back/shoulder's. Since getting our home gym though I am trying to move to doing squat work on it and not with a barbell/dumbbells any longer just because of the elbow irritation I experience now.
Tsut - Glad to hear I'm not the only one...although I don't have carpal tunnel...or at least I don't think I do! Thank you for the link on the pad. Maybe I should look into getting one. Do pads have lots of length sizes? Do you take yours on and off, or can you leave it on for bicep work? (I mean, will it be in the way of your hands if you leave it on?)

Michele - Hi! Heh, didn't want to ignore you.

Debbie - Hey there, I finally decided to join the Cathe forum. It's been great reading your comments over at MsFit's, too. Oh, I wish I could use dumbbells - unfortunately I live abroad and over here, the heavier the dumbbell, the thicker the darn shaft! I can just barely grip onto my 5kg! Urgh. Hope your neck gets better.

Laura - Thanks again for your comments. Maybe I'll try posting this for Cathe and see what she thinks, too.

Robin8r - Oh, good, someone else with the neck thing! I feel better just knowing it's not just my being lame. Doesn't the towel slip off when you're taking the bar up and over your head? (Tie it on, August, duh...?) Thanks for the headsup about the wrists. I'll double-check on that.

40something - Oh man, the last thing I want is elbow ache (well, maybe not the last thing but...!). I'm new to using my barbell and it takes some getting used to getting the thing over my head. I can understand why there are people writing about getting a weighted vest.

Thanks again everyone for your helpful comments!
>Tsut - Glad to hear I'm not the only one...although I don't
>have carpal tunnel...or at least I don't think I do! Thank
>you for the link on the pad. Maybe I should look into getting
>one. Do pads have lots of length sizes? Do you take yours on
>and off, or can you leave it on for bicep work? (I mean, will
>it be in the way of your hands if you leave it on?)

I believe there is only one size for the pad, but I'm not 100% certain. The pad is easy to take off for bicep work. I have short arms so I can't leave it on, plus I would get distracted with it on, but it is not necessary to take it off.
Just wanted you to know that I got a barbell pad at WalMart for under $5.00. It is just a straight pad, covered in a nylon-like fabric, that wraps around the bar and attaches/detaches with velcro. Real quick for workouts when you need to get it on and off.

I used to have some problems with my neck during squats and lunges. I learned I was gripping the bar too tightly at times, and even pulling down on it! (ouch...like the weight wasn't enough..)Having a focus and really paying attention to good breathing helped a lot.

As for form, watch Cathe closely when they do side shots- it really is just like sitting down into a chair.

I use a pad on the barbell when doing squat/lunges and then take it off. They slip on and off quite easily. Another option you might want to consider is using a body bar. I like them because they are thicker and bigger around so they are more comfortable when resting on your shoulder's. They come in various weights.
Thanks everyone for the pad advice.

Hehe, pulling down on the barbell for extra neck comfort! :eek: :D I can see how that would not feel good. I wonder if I'm doing that without being conscious of it. I'll take note. Thanks.

I already have enough strife getting the barbell clips on and off to change the weights, so I certainly wouldn't want to deal with a funky pad!

I appreciate all the good ideas!

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