what's going on??


New Member
I've been working out for years, Firming especially....I just learned about Cathe, and I am addicted!! While I feel great after doing a Cathe workout, I'm not losing weight...which is my intention. I feel more bulked up, and my clothes are tighter....Is this normal, or maybe I am doing something wrong. I watch what I eat, but I feel like these workouts are making me bigger. I've cut down on muscle toning to about two times a week, and do cardio 5 times a week. Any suggestions???
You said you "watch what you eat," but do you keep a food journal? This is the first place I'd look if I were you. Really track your eats for a week, and see what you intake really is. Pay close attention to portion size. Most people eat more than they think they do. Nothing personal, but we want to get to the real cause of your clothes fitting tighter.

Just Do It! :)
A food journal is a great idea. Also, I have read/heard many times before that as one starts weight training your muscles will swell a bit in response, I'm assuming from water. Over a few weeks your muscles should get acclimated to strength training. Drinking more water should help you lose this "bloat".

My two cents,

Also, be sure you're eating enough! Cathe's tapes require lots of TLC for your muscles, and you may not be giving them enough nourishment. Keep the food log and be sure you are eating enough. Sometimes the problem is not over-eating, it's undereating!

I've been lifting weights (gym and The Firm) and running about 40 miles/week for the last 10 years or so and just started using Cathe Jan 2002. I did S&H and PS regularly over the next several months and for the first three months, I felt bulky and my clothes were tight (I don't weigh myself but i assume i gained weight too). I stayed with it however, and I have seen wonderful results.

The physiology behind muscle growth is a little more complex than I have the patience to explain on here (I learned more than I wanted to about this in vet school, but I'm not as good as explaining that sort of thing as others on the forum!), but needless to say, fluid around the individual cells is increased and you experience swelling. This is good and is necessary.

You'll find, after a while, that you'll become more "sleek" as the swelling goes down. This all relies heavily on a decent diet and the absence of a thick layer of body fat. If the body fat is still on top of your growing (and swollen) muscles, you'll lose the bloat, but not the fat. That's a diet thing (and partially cardio). So, keep up the weights and try to be as patient as possible.


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