What's going on with my tummy?


I just read through all the old threads on healing abdominal separation. I had a c-section 5 months ago and am sure my abs are still split. Is there any hope?

Also, my whole tummy looks so different now. I can't figure out if it's just stretched-out skin or what. When I feel it, I can feel firm muscles, but there's this squishy layer over it. Granted, it's been shrinking, but I'm wondering if it will ever go back to normal.
There is hope if your abs are still split. My SIL's never went back together after her pregnancy. She just had surgery to repair it. In the past, surgery hasn't necessarily helped women - from what I'm told. However, SIL got an elastic mesh put in to not only hold her abs closed, but will also allow her to have another child. It's stretchy.

It was outpatient surgery, and she was fully recovered in 2 days.
She couldn't be happier!
After having the (unexpected) c-section, the LAST thing I ever want is to be cut open again, in any way, shape, or form. As long as my abs look good, and I regain strength in them and my back, I don't mind if the split never completely closes.

Nothing against your SIL's decision, I'm just personally terrified of surgery!

I do keep wondering if my skin is all stretched out or if it's something else. That's what it *looks* like, but I'm just not sure.
I think a little more patience with your body and you'll start to see it restore again. It may not be like it was before but given time, I'm sure it will improve. I didn't have the split problem but I do know after my first I managed to train my abs and lower back into better shape than before and that was after a c-section. I'm hoping for the same after #2 (due June 3) even if I do end up with another c-section. I'm sure after having 2 babies that the skin may be a little more stretchy than I prefer but perhaps not. Cathe looks great after two although I'm sure there are some hereditary factors involved!
>I think a little more patience with your body and you'll
>start to see it restore again. It may not be like it was
>before but given time, I'm sure it will improve. I didn't have
>the split problem but I do know after my first I managed to
>train my abs and lower back into better shape than before and
>that was after a c-section. I'm hoping for the same after #2
>(due June 3) even if I do end up with another c-section. I'm
>sure after having 2 babies that the skin may be a little more
>stretchy than I prefer but perhaps not. Cathe looks great
>after two although I'm sure there are some hereditary factors

Cathe is definitely inspirational!

You say you didn't have a split after your first c-section? I don't think it's possible NOT to, since they basically pull your muscles up to get to the baby.

My abs are starting to look better. It occurs to me that I probably can't get back to my pre-pregnancy weight until after I wean the baby. Losing the extra few pounds might make it tough to keep breastfeeding. I'm only one size above where I started, and about 5 lbs heavier. Losing that will help with the abs, as I'm sure will time!

I just wanted to pipe in here to say that if you have a diastisis (the separation of the abdominal wall) you can repair it with exercise. I recommend Julie Tupler's "Lose Your Mummy Tummy" book. There is also a DVD available that goes through the exercises. If you do a search, I've posted on this here before.

Hope that helps!
I did read the book, but the exercises were nothing earth-shattering (in my mind). The main thing she recommends is to basically pull in your abs to help strengthen them. I did (still do) this and it really does help, but the other exercises and suggestions in her book were relatively standard stuff, IMO.

At this point (almost 6 months PP) I think I can actually FEEL my abs shrinking. I only have 4 lbs left to lose (gained about 30 pregnant) and many of my old clothes fit again (though they look a little different...)

I've been very consistent with exercise, eating right, working my abs (no real restrictions on what I've done) and it really seems to be helping.
By any chance...is your belly button sticking out? I thought I had bad diastasis, which I have a tiny bit, but I have an umbilical hernia, which you have to have surgically fixed. That is what is causing my tiny pooch...I just feel like I always have to suck in...

I had a c-section with twins and 13 pounds of baby...yikes! So, that is what caused the hernia. Check your belly button, sometimes that is culprit.

I also spoke with a plastic surgeon about diastasis, by direction of my general surgeon, and she said that a good pilates program, taught by a professional with a reformer, will heal diastasis within 6 months, given it is not a bad case. She said nothing works better. She said if they sew the abs back together, most women just "pop" them out again because they are doing abs/crunches improperly and do not use their tranverse abs. Is this making sense?? Anyway, that is one opinion...
No, my belly button is sunken in. I used to have a tiny, very deep belly button, but it's a little wider than it used to be, probably because my abs are still spread out.

I've been thinking I need to do more pilates. I was avoiding crunches at first, but then felt like why should I? I need to work that area too. I've just been doing it very gradually. I can't get through long ab workouts right now, I just hang in there until my form starts to go.

I'll try some Pilates!:)

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