Hi Diane,
That would probably be from me. I originally came to Cathe because I wanted workouts that would work me in the anaerobic zone -- not many workouts do. I think Mindy -- gee, can't recall her last name -- works out in this zone, but not many. Plus, I wanted plyometrics and weight work and stretch, as well as cardio, since those 5 things really compose a good workout base, and work all the muscle fibers, etc.
So I started in my own mind to classify the workouts for myself in terms of what each one stresses. For me the IMAX's (including LowMax) stress anerobics, as well as cardio and plyometrics.
The overall weight workouts speak for themselves.
Then again, for myself, I classified many of the step tapes according to their intensity -- but emphasizing in my mind cardio endurance -- like Rhythmic Step, etc.
And the Circuits -- some stress simply cardio and weights and some have anaerobics and weights.
So I'm probably the guilty one -- I realize that Cathe workouts give alot of the different kinds of basics needed, but for myself and figuring out rotations, I needed to myself figure out which one stressed what.
My source of information is the book READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell, as well as -- gee, now I can't recall the name of that other book... Oh, well, at least I got one right.
Hope this helps clear this up. Sorry if I confused anyone. :7