I am new Cathe junkie, only about 3 months now. I only own her basic step/body fusion, Low Impact step, Low Max, (which I haven't tried yet), Core Max, and Strech max. I am currently doing Mon/Wed/Fri 60 min. Total body weight training with Jari Love's Get Ripped series. Tues./ Thurs./ Sat. 50 minutes Step cardio with Cathe. Sunday's off. I like Jari's video, but now that I found Cathe, Jari has become boring. I want to do more Cathe strength training. I think Cathe suggests my next move should be Cardio and Weight series. I love my step workouts and enjoy lifting too, just not as much. My question is is it better to alternate cardio and total body weight days, or is it better to do 30 min. cardio followed by weight training a particular area, (such chest, triceps)on M/W/F, and make T/R/and Sat. bigger cardio days? (I'm not sure if I'm explaining my question correctly or not.) Am better off working every body part twice a week like I am now, or focus on one or two areas a day and only hit it once week? Or should I change it up and some weeks do it one way and other weeks do it the other way? ( oh I have so much to learn!)
If total body twice a week is the way to go, which Cathe DVD should I start out with. If lifting that area only once a week, which DVD should I get? (Gym Series?)
My goal is lose 10 - 15 lbs, and DEFINE my body, especially upper body, and Abs, (although after two babies, my abs I think will take years.) I am currently doing Weight Watchers and considering the Core plan instead of flex, I sort of do core anyway. But like some people, I can't say no to chocolate cake all the time!:9
Am I on the right track? I know some of you get tired of us newbies, but we appreciate it!! :7
Thank you so much in advance for any info.
If total body twice a week is the way to go, which Cathe DVD should I start out with. If lifting that area only once a week, which DVD should I get? (Gym Series?)
My goal is lose 10 - 15 lbs, and DEFINE my body, especially upper body, and Abs, (although after two babies, my abs I think will take years.) I am currently doing Weight Watchers and considering the Core plan instead of flex, I sort of do core anyway. But like some people, I can't say no to chocolate cake all the time!:9
Am I on the right track? I know some of you get tired of us newbies, but we appreciate it!! :7
Thank you so much in advance for any info.