What would you like to teach us that is new?



Seems everyone is putting in their 2 cents about what they would like, in your new DVD's to come. And rightfully so, since there is a forum just for that. I've also did that myself.

But, I would like to ask you if you have learned more technology about our bodies that we should be doing to keep in better shape. If anyone would know this, what better person to ask than you? For example, not too long ago interval training (and as far as I know still is) proven to better help with fat loss, and gain strength and stamina. Have you learned something new that we could know about? And if so, please get us familair with it, so we again, can change our bodies for the better. I'm up for anything new that works, and I also know that to change our bodies, we have to work hard no matter what. So, that being said, if there is new information out there, won't you please share it with us, perhaps on one of your new comming up DVD's? (Or in this message to you.)

I Love to hear, and practice new state of the art information about our bodies. Information is so powerful. It seems to me that it is time for a change. If there isn't any new info, then I will continue to love your wonderful way of working our bodies. Because, I only trust it with your expertise.

What a fabulous and respectful question and post!

I would love to see Cathe's response to this.

What is Cathe's heart's desire as far as future DVD productions are concerned?

Cathe: spill the beans! Tell us what thoughts are forming in your mind.

FABULOUS QUESTION!!! As a teacher, I am constantly restructuring and researching what I do and Cathe's workouts reflect that kind of thoughtful and educated approach. Would love to hear her thoughts!

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