What will you be wearing????


susan p

Cathe, I am so excited about your vids and will be saying a prayer for you guys as you do all your taping. I know that must be very intense. . . I am wondering what color you guys will be wearing?? Just curious about that little tid-bit! You don't have to say if you'd rather keep us in suspense. . . hehe!!
Yes..inquiring minds...

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-00 AT 06:31AM (EST)</font></center>

want to know

I heard a small rumor that is might be hotskins! Plus they were added to Cathes link site for clothes.
Could it be those cool prints that would go so nicely with the new background??? I have already been trying to guess by looking at the catalog...and wondering what the guys are going to be wearing!

Do Tell!


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