What were your results with the Beginner Rotation?

I am thinking about starting Cathe. I was a long time firm user however I stopped using the firm, gained a lot of weight, tried to return back but just couldn't get into it. Someone told me to try Cathe workouts. I saw the Beginner Rotation and am hoping to order the videos to get started. I was just wondering what your results have been with Cathe workouts?
I haven't done the beginner rotation because I just discovered rotations at all this fall. But I have been a Cathe fan for several years. The best thing about Cathe is her fun attitude. I just love working out with her. I think that is the key. To love working out. If you don't like it, you don't want to do it and you'll find all kinds of excuses not to do it. Cathe makes it fun and doable.

Do you have FitTV? If so, try to check out some of her programs on that. If not, try getting Basic Step and a couple of the others from the beginner rotation to start out. I'll bet you'll have a whole library before long. ;)

You might even be able to pick up a step and a beginning dvd from a big box store or eBay to get going.


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