What were your results from the November rotation?


Hi! Quite a few people started out doing the November rotation. Now that we're waiting for the December rotation to magically appear, I'm curious about the results from the November one.

1. Did you finish it?
2. Did you modify/switch/add anything, or do it strictly as written?
3. How much did you enjoy it?
4. What were your results?
5. How did this rotation compare to the workouts you normally do? (eg., it had more heavy weight work; it had less cardio, that sort of thing).

Thanks for your replies! I didn't follow it myself, but am considering it for a future date.

Hi Sandra,

1. Yes, I finished the rotation(the last few days were circuit workouts though).

2. I did all of the strength as written. I switched up some of cardio here and there, but not much. I did add some pilates in the mix.

3. I liked it because it was very doable and I didn't feel overtrained at all. The 4 day split was a little different for me, but I really liked splitting it up that way.

4. I lost 3 pounds, had some strength gains and got a little definition. I think my cardio endurance stayed the same.

5. I felt that this workout was very well balanced between cardio and strength training. I do prefer doing 4 days of cardio, but it seems as though this worked out better burning fat for me. I would like to emphasize than I ate a lot cleaner too(except for Thanksgiving). I would do this rotation again. I really enjoyed it!!

Thanks for the answers, Aila! I'm still hoping more people will answer, so I'm bumping this back up the list.

Even if you did not finish the rotation, I am still interested in your thoughts.

Hi Sandra and Aila , I did only the first half the rotation. I had two great weeks with the S & H workouts. It is an effective and doable rotation. I saw improvements in my strenght and definition especially in the abs. Anyway during those two week I ate clean.

I am going to use S & H more often.I will try to do this rotation again soon.

Aila congratulations. Great work.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.
Hi Sandra!

#1. Did you finish it?
I did three of the 4 weeks alternating a SH week with a PS week simply for the fact I was just coming off a SH week of my own rotation. So in essence I did Cathes Week 3, then Week 1, then Week 4, then Week 2...so to speak.

#2. Did you modify/switch/add anything, or do it strictly as written?
I didn't do the 30 min run, did 1/2 IMAX2 instead. Two of the weeks I only worked out 5 days and skipped Step Works one week and Imax2 the other. For week one, I switched Tues and Fri around because KPC seems to work my legs more.

#3. How much did you enjoy it?
I really enjoyed it and plan on doing it again...maybe December.

#4. What were your results?
I don't weight myself so that won't help. I needed a little extra sleep and it kept me from eating too much over the holidays. My pants actually seem looser now that I think about it, but we did a lot of walking Thursday and Friday!

#5. How did this rotation compare to the workouts you normally do? (eg., it had more heavy weight work; it had less cardio, that sort of thing).
I tend to do weights one day, cardio the next. Other than when I do a CTX rotation, I typically don't mix weights and cardio on the same day. I did really like this, and the time seemed to fly by pretty fast.

Hope this helps:D

I'm still doing the rotation. I started late. So far, I really like it. I enjoyed the S&H workouts.

If I had been eating well, I'm sure I would have had better results. I've been clean eating the last couple days and plan on keeping it that way. I wish I could give you more info. I didn't weight myself beforehand. I did switch out some of the cardio because I didn't feel like running and I did Kickbox instead of KPC. I felt stronger on the second week of S&H. I was able to up my weight which was nice.

Theresa in MI

I did the first two weeks, but after that I just couldn't continue. I'm kind of burned out on Pure Strength because it was once my favorite strength training series and I did it all the time. I did notice that those two weeks of S&H gave me great results. It was just what I needed to break the plateau I was in. I just wish I stuck with the rotation!
I did the strength training days just as Cathe listed for the entire month with the exception of the second day of weights for the legs. I really slacked off on that particular workout for the last 3 weeks. I did not do the same cardio at all as I've been doing a lot of walking instead, but I did manage to do 30 minutes of Imax 2, about 30 minutes of Step Blast, and Cardio Kicks sometime in the month. My diet also did not change at all, but it definitely needs to.

I did see results with more definition in my arms, especially the outside of the shoulders and biceps. I also saw my abs beginning to look better again. It is hard to say if I actually lost inches and weight as I had been doing Cathe for a couple of weeks before I started the rotation, but I can say that in that 6 weeks of doing Cathe only and a lot of walking, I lost 3 pounds, 1 inch in my waist, 1 inch in my lower abs, and 1 inch in my hips. I think the tape measure may have moved a tad on my thighs, but as I mentioned I was really bad about not doing the second day of leg work. I really wish I had done that second day, but this was first full Cathe rotation and I was tired. ;(

I was really looking forward to a December rotation. If one is not posted soon, I'm thinking of doing the August rotation which focused on the legs and glutes.
1) I'm only in week #3, but am planning on finishing it.
2) I switched the IMAX this past week to Supersets, followed by 7 intervals of IMAX2 (I did the tuck-jump one twice cuz it was fun.) Also added Pilates for the day off, trying to improve my flexibility for KPC.
3) I am enjoying it mostly, but Day 2 takes too long for my taste.
4) I appear to have had some improvement in definition in my arms and abs. My strength has increased a little.
5) I think it had a nice balance of cardio and weights, but I might continue to add a full-body weight workout to the all cardio day on Day 5. Just because I'd like to see if I can increase my muscle mass. I want really defined shoulders.
Thank you for the replies everyone! It looks like it was an effective rotation. I may have to give it a whirl soon, but possibly add a bit more cardio. It seems a bit light in that regard.

Good work to all who finished it!! And I applaud anyone for even trying :)


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