what was your best rollercoaster experience?


Okay all you adreneline junkies, I gotta know, what was the best? What do you prefer in a rollercoaster and what do you avoid??? I love the wooden ones with a seat in the back. I love anthing that does a 360 degree turn. Ahhhhh.....
Oh, I love rollercoasters!
My favorite is the "Superman" coaster at Six Flags, New England. I like a smooth ride, with lots of turns and 'up and downs'. I love 360's, too (tho the Superman doesn't have them.)
I don't care much for wooden coasters anymore - last time I was on one, I felt like I had lived thru a car wreck (got a cracked rib, too, from it) - too much flinging and banging around while not being secured enough.

My last rollercoaster ride 10 years ago when I got on one after a 15 year hiatus (scared to death of these things cus they make me sick). I had fun the whole ride without feeling sick. And I was really enjoying myself without any fear. I thought I had the nausea licked, and then the damn thing screeched to a halt. I got sick and threw up. Oh well, at least I had fun while it was moving.
My favorite roller coaster is in Disney's California Adventure- it's called California Screamin. It uses magnetic levitation or something, so it's really smooth and really FAST! They have to give you a countdown before it goes so you can put your head back and avoid breaking your neck...
It does one loop, up and around Mickey's head. It's just so FAST and not bumpy at all like the wooden rides. I can't do those any more- I used to be able to, when I weighed more and had more fat on me. Now I just tumble and rattle along in the wooden ones and have a miserable time!
i love living in ohio...i am just 20 mins form Kings Island and a few hours away from cedar point........rollar coaster HEAVEN!!
I rode the Big Shot and the roller coaster on top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. Ride those if you want a near death experience.

My best rollercoaster experience was spring break at Islands of Adventure this year. I discovered the joys of Dramamine! Now I can actually ride without getting sick. I haven't been able to do that for years. I enjoyed Dueling Dragons the most.

I agree with Nurse- The BIG SHOT is THE thrill rider's mecca. You are on top of a building that is 112 stories high, the tallest building west of the Mississippi. So you go onto the roof of the building and climb some stairs encased in a wimpy chain link fence, scary already. Then you strap yourself into a seat and the ride blasts you up another 400 feet into the air going 60 mph. A near death experience from heart failure! I thought we were going to the moon! We rode it very late at night, too.
Now for FUN- Rockin' Roller Coaster at Disney MGM studios is my thumbs up favorite fun- just enough thrill, no ill effects. Steel Eel at Seaworld San Antonio and the Titan at Six Flags are tied for my second favorite coasters. :D Fourth is Dueling Dragons as mentioned above.
No more wooden ones for me either. My last wooden roller coaster ride resulted in surgery.
If you're headed to Disney's California Adventure, someone with you might want you to go on Tower of Terror. It's their latest and my husband thinks their greatest. It scares me. You go up, all the way up, but you don't know you're going up because they distract you with a movie, then they open the doors so you can see how high you are, then they drop you down, then they keep doing it over and over.
My husband really likes it. He says the first time, he felt he needed to hold on. The second time, he didn't hold on and had much more fun. As for me, I didn't hold on the first time, then I did the next time! He gets one trip on the Tower each time we're there- I won't go more than once a visit!!
Have a great time!! Too bad Space Mountain won't be open until late July. That's the best one ever!!!

I live minutes from Great America Six Flags in Gurnee, Illinois and there are tons of great rollercoasters there....Batman, Superman, The Viper, The Giant Drop (scariest one ever!), etc. I'm contemplating purchasing season passes this year because they built a brand new water park. Disney World's Tower of Terror is awesome as well as the Rock 'n Roll Rollercoaster. GREAT FUN!!!! :) :) :) :)

My favorite are actually the wooden Rollercoasters. After I don't know how many years of it being closed, I finally got to ride Colossus in Magic Mountain Calif. I LOVED it....the Viper is a very close second....but I want to try that one on the east coast that seems to climb about 250 feet right over the ocean....http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/w/super.gif[/img]...Carole
OH I love rollercoasters! SheiKra just opened up at Busch Gardens in tampa this past Saturday and it looks sick!! There are 2 90 degree drops one is from 200 ft and the other is 180 ft. It's been so crowded there I haven't gotten a chance to experience it. I'm excited though!! :p
I don't know how you ladies do it, I would be tossing my cookies!! LOL!!:D I have enough problems riding in a car with the curvy roads and hills. UGH!!

They do look like they could be fun though.
Sabrina - LOL! My gf went to the opening day of Great America after a drunk fest the night before and she was sick for DAYS!!! Ha! I'll never let her live that down!!

Angie-I road on a few in my younger years but that was bad enough. I need to see who I wants to sit by me on my plane ride to NJ! LOL! Should make an interesting trip! LOL!! I have not been on a plane in 15 years and I only went one way and I was hung over then and slept(felt aweful). Anyone want to sit next to me??

We live in Ohio too. We are about an hour or so from Cedar Point and about 3 1/2 hours from King's Island. We used to take the kids to both of them all the time. I remember the last time my daugther & I rode one of the wooden coasters together, it literally was throwing our "upper half" back and forth to the point we were laughing hysterically. I don't have much UP there but it sure was whipping it back and forth nonstop. It was all we could do to quit laughing watching each other!!! :7


Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My brother is going on vacation with us this year for many reasons but my best reason is that I will have someone who is willing to have himself tossed about, my husband doesn't like the stuff and the kids are too small. When the kids are older, we are heading for Magic Mountain.
My favorite was one at Busch Gardens, it was inverted, and went upside down and was really smooth. I can't remember the name of it though. But Dh, and my SIL went on it and nothing in the park compared to that thrill. So, we went on it again just to have the thrill one last time before we left. I love inverted roller coasters. Here in MN there is a park called Valley Fair. There is a new one, it's name is Steel Venom. It's inverted, and goes from 0-60 in about 3 seconds. That alone gets you screaming for mercy, then you go up a 90 degree angle and fall back to go up another 90 degree angle backwards. You do that one more time, but the second time backwards it catches you gives you a quick shake and then drops you. You think for sure at that time you will fall to the earth and die. Oh it's too much fun! It's the best ride at Valley Fair, in my opinion.


Edited to say that the name of the ride in Busch Gardens is Montu.

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