WHAT was I thinking?!?!?!


So, today was a really good energy day. After church I took my DS to lunch and then we came home for a Cathe fix. I did Cardio & Weights and felt sooo guilty for having not worked out hard enough this week (stupid hip arthritis- actually made worse by NOT working out!!!) that I added some of GS Legs to the mix!! Plus I just felt great!! Yesterday was B&G. I was on such a high after the fun dancy "Buttercup" cardio circuit of C&W that GS Legs just seemed like a good idea!! :rolleyes:

I can already tell that tomorrow my bod will be saying.... what in the hell were you thinking. girl?!?!?!:eek::rolleyes::p

My DS came downstairs and asked if I was STILL working out.... "aren't you getting tired, Mommy?". Yes.... I said with a grunt. I swear, had he not asked me to come outside and push him on the swing, I woulda kept going-- possibly to the point of potential injury. OUtta the mouths of babes to save their obsessive Mommys!

I am STILL on that darned mission to get into those size 8 Anne Taylors by mid- October!!

Healing prayers needed, gals!!


do you mind if I ask you, what does the hip arthritis feel like? Where do you feel the pain? And, how would you describe the pain? As pain, soreness, tightness, as a raw sensation, a pulling sensation? Does your arthritis show up on either x-rays or MRIs or through manual manipulation of the hip joint? (I have been having hip difficulties since Jan and sports' doctors cannot find a reason, x-ray and MRI show no structural abnormality but the soreness/pain continues, but like you, mine feels worse when I don't exercise or spend too much time sitting.)

As far as putting yourself through the workout of your life is concerned, been there, done that! You feel so good sometimes, the energy flies high and you feel you could just work that body forever. Then, the next day, you remember that you aren't 28 years old anymore.....thank heavens for your son stopping you from doing anymore!

Ah well. Break out the gentle stretching tomorrow, right?

Hi Clare,

I don't mind your questions at all. Let's see, the pain tends to radiate all around the right hip joint and into my groin area as well - even the outside hip/side glutes. It's almost exactly like the combination you described. It's VERY achy much of the time (especially so just before my period). It can be stabbing pain sometimes that radiates down to my knee. My massage therapist explained the muscle connection possibly pulling on the soas (psoas??) down to the knee but also can be triggered by variuos activities.

After too many years of sometimes/often excruciating pain, I did have an x-ray which showed moderate osteo-arthritis in both my right hip and knee and some developing in my left hip- which gives me NO pain at all. My D.O. thinks it's due to my petite stature and the really high impact activities I've done most of my adult life - in addition to being a petite, caucasion female. 5'0 tall.

I'm almost always aware of some sort of discomfort or dull pain to really bad pain level in my right hip and people do notice a limp at times. Cortisone shots did NOTHING to help. It's insanely frustrating. At 44 years old I consider myself "too young" to have OA.... 40 is the new 20, right?? haha!:cool: :rolleyes:

Oddly, walking in our hilly neighborhood seems to make it worse- sometimes debilitating. Working out at home, seems to help- maybe the level surface, more giving flooring makes a difference.

Feel free to PM me or ask more questions on this thead- I have nothing to hide and would love to hear other people with similar annoying physical stuff.

Hope that helps!
Interesting thread as I have also been dealing with hip pain since Feb. I have really cut back on the workouts because the high impact stuff really aggravates it. My docs don't think arthritis but maybe bursitis. I am seeing a sports medicine doctor tomorrow who can hopefully shed some light on the siutation. I lost 22 pounds from Jan - May and I have another 10 to go. I really want to get back in a more vigorous program but I am trying to be respectful of my body. :rolleyes: I'll let you know if I find out anything possibly useful.

Oh, I guess I could mention - my pain seems mostly related to muscles except for a spot right across the front of my hip that hurts even when I work out all the kinks and pains in my hip flexors, psoas, and IT band. The pain in the front feels like a burning sensation when I move. I have very little pain when seated until I get up - then I am very stiff until I have moved around for a few minutes. Then the pain diminishes unless I do too much - then it increases again. Lol, you just can't win!!

I'd love to hear from others who have had success dealing with this type of pain.
Timely thread! I recently have had surgery on both hips for torn labrum, it was done arthroscopic, (hope I spelled that right). I had had pain in one hip for about 8 yrs, had seen Dr.'s, told initially it was due to pregnancy, (everything out of alignment), bursitis, had cortisone injection, resulted in increased pain. Finally after the 3rd MRI , done with contrast, it showed bone spurs and torn labrum, After I had that one fixed, all of a sudden same pain in the other! Just had that one fixed a month ago, they did tell me it would take about a year for the pain to go away completely. My pain started on the outside and radiated towards the groin, I couldn't lie on either side, standing, sitting, didn't matter what I was doing. They really didn't give me a reason why this happens, I have been working out, cardio is just the bike right now, therapy, and I am still able to work my upper body. One good thing, I have lost 14 lbs since my 1st surgery in May! If anyone has any questions, let me know! Mary

thanks for the honest response and to all the ladies who responded with similar tales of pain and woe, I hear you.

This kind of pain is so frustrating. When I saw the doctor the first time I was hoping for a definitive diagnosis. I would even have taken a torn labrum, at least then it could have been repaired, within a certain time frame, and I would have known what to attribute the pain to and move beyond it.

Mine affects both hips, worse in right than left. It starts up within an hour every time I run, which is my favourite activity, bummer! Like some of you, the more exercise I do, the better it feels, especially lower body resistance and weight training. The more sitting and sedentary my lifestyle, the worse it gets. You stand up, and it hurts and feels stiff, like an old lady.

I had a month's physio to strengthen the gluteus medius as the doc thought the gluteus medius was weak and the TFL was working over time and taking over when the gluteus medius gave up. In theory, sounds possible, in practice, I am not convinced. I do those firewalkers for 10 mins at a time non-stop virtually with the versaloop to strengthen that gluteus muscle and it doesn't make any difference.

I can't work out whether the pain starts at a precise point in the iliac crest and radiates through the gluteus medius and TFL right there in the hi area, or if it is the tissues, full of scar tissue or sticking together, that are pulling tightly on the bone and making it hurt. Wish I had a medical degree to know which of these two is a likely scenario!

I have another appt with the sports doc this Thursday and I am going to ask about possible osteo-arthritis, deep tissue massage, cortisone shots, whatever it takes to stay mobile and able to do some degree of high impact work.

If I get a solution, I will be back here like shot to pass it on to you ladies.


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