What was I thinking all these years??


For the past 10 years I have used a 10" step for cardio. In the past year or so my knees have been a lil' achey and my workouts were getting to be too much. A few weeks ago I mentioned to my husband that I'd like a 6-8" step. Well, on Mother's Day he holed himself in the garage for a over 2 hours to build me a really nice 7" step. He thought this way if I wanted 6" he could take 1 off or if I decided on 8 he'd add an inch.
Well, today I did IMAX2 on my new 7" and boy was it fun! Some of the moves felt so different at this height. However I felt fantastic! I think I'll stay at this level. What was I thinking when I thought" In order to be intense I need to go higher?!" Glad I finally came to my senses!:) Susan
I'm only 5'00'' and tried the workouts on an 8'' step and I can't believe how awkward I felt. Now I do them all on 6'' and it feels so much better and just seems to flow bettler. My heartrate is still way up there and I still get an awesome workout.
I have bum knees and I don't go above 6 inch height, I tried, but my knees hurt for days!

I still get my heartrate WAYup there on the 6 inch step. I think Cathe said somewhere that she went to a six inch step also, but I am not sure.
Way to go, Susan! As an instructor I have never used above 6" and find that setting my step height at this level has participants following my example, no matter what their physical height may be.

I am sure it does feel very weird on a lower bench but the range of motion is so much better. The few people who attended my classes using a 10" step were warned of the risks, and I wished I could have handed them a video of their sloppy form - perpetual squatting motion and rounded backs.

I hope you have many great workouts on your new 7" bench! :7 What a great hubby for taking the time to build it.


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