What video to order?


Hi!! I need help choosing a Cathe video. I already own quite a few and have already pre-ordered the Intensity Series. I already know which three I definitely want, I just want to take advantage of the buy four get 5th free and free shipping offer. I really want Rhythmic Step, Power Hour, and Cardio Kicks. The number four slot will most likely be CTX Upper body. I'm just stuck on the 5th. Which video will challenge me considering those I already own? I already own: S&H series, PS series, CTX series, MIS,MIC Circuit Max, IntervalMax and BodyMax. Any ideas? Should I bother or just get the three I really want? (sorry so long winded...also I consider myself an intermediate advanced exerciser). Thanks, Maria
I'd definitely go for the CTX Upper Body tape. How about Ab Hits as your 5th? I own all of Cathe's tapes, but still use this one frequently b/c it's so easy to add an extra ab workout in since the tape is already cued, just pop it in and go!

It would depend on the intensity you wanted. I look forwards to doing rhythmic step and step fit. Those are my fun workouts. I would definitely go for power hour like you said and I enjoy the kickboxing. I don't own the older ones so guess I am not that much help.
Step Works and Power Max are both equivalent to or slightly highter in intensity than Rhythmic Step. The music is great in both of these.
Thanks for all your input. I think I am leaning towards Ab Hits or StepWorks. I also kinda liked the idea of Step Heat because it has an ab segment tacked on the end. Any other reccomendations?

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