What to expect?


Hi everyone,
DH and are about to start TTC. I've been on the pill for about 13 yrs, and will take my last one tomorrow.
For those that have gone through this, what effects can I expect when I'm off? And how long did it take you to get pregnant once you were off?

Thanks everyone! I'm the first in my friends to start trying, so I really have no idea what to expect.
When I stopped the pill, I had my normal week of bleeding plus another week and a half of spotting. We ended up getting pregnant right away - by very the next cycle. Everyone is so different though. I've heard that the ovulation kits are pretty accurate when TTC from the other women at work. Good luck and have fun TTC!;-)

I was on the pill for many years before TTC. My period returned the next month. Initially my cycles were 28 days then started varying. I was never regular before the pill though. It took 8 months of trying for us to have dd#1 due to irregular cycles. No side effects of going off the pill. Good luck!
When I stopped taking the pill my period did not return right away. It took about 11 months:eek: And I was ALWAYS a regular gal before the pill. I was on the pill for 7 years, but had no unusual side effects while on the pill. I went to my doctor at 6 months post pill and all my tests came back within the normal range. Their advice was that I just wait it out. Well, I waited a few more months and then started seeing an Ayurvedic/Natural Chinese Medicine practitioner. Within 3 months of following her recommendations I had my period back. And it's been regular ever since. I hesitated before writing this post because I didn't want to scare you, but I decided to write because I didn't want you to feel badly if your periods didn't return to normal right away. And to let you know that there are other options for treatment if you do experience problems, as more and more women are regarding their use of the pill.

Here's a recent British news article to illustrate what I'm talking about:

"Pill can delay a baby far longer than you want"

Having said all of the above, I hope that you have no side effects at all and that you're able to conceive just as soon as you'd like!

Thanks for the feedback, ladies!
From what I can tell, everybody's different with this. I'm hoping that I get back to "normal" soon afterwards. I was fairly regular (from what I remember) pre-pill. But, I guess I'll find out!

Here's keeping my fingers crossed!
This is my first post, but I felt compelled to respond. I was on the pill for 11 mos., then went off it and tried to conceive. I was very regular before the pill, and resumed my period within 2-3 mos. However, it took me 10 mos. to conceive, and I was tracking my cycle using the book, 'Taking Charge of your Fertility.'

I asked my OB/GYN if the delay could have been from the pill, and she insisted it wasn't, but I didn't really buy it. Thanks for that London Telegraph article. I had a feeling it could have been that. Of course, I don't know for sure, but I feel a little vindicated for my suspicions!

Happily, I'm now 26 weeks pregnant!
Well allow me! :)

I've been off the pill for almost 1 month now.

It's been a roller coaster so far! Now it's important to note that after 13 years on the pill (being a teenager when I went on) I really have no idea what my body SHOULD be doing....

First week, I spotted. Nothing since then.

Second week, felt REALLY bloated. Like I'm carrying a basketball around in my uterus kind of bloated...

Third week, EXHAUSTED every day. Even when I wake up.

Now I realize that this sounds like I may be pregnant, but I think it's early for that, and I've taken 2 negative tests...

This week, energy is back!

So far, no period. If I were still on my pills, I'd be starting next Wednesday. So we'll see.

I have no idea if I'm ovulating or anything. No PMS symptoms, sore boobs, etc... so far. So overall, it's been OK. I've heard a lot worse from other ladies. I'll keep tapping in to let everyone know when/if I get my period back...!

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