What to eat?


I have no idea what is healthy anymore. I was eating lower carb, higher fat for years, but feel like I want to introduce some carbs and reduce some fats. What does your typical day look like? Does anyone count macros or calories?
Yes it is difficult to navigate through the latest fads and trends to determine what is healthy. The Mediterranean diet is often touted as being healthy but even this can vary between countries with different foods being included and excluded so it is becoming more difficult to tell what a true Mediterranean diet is.
What we do know is that the typical western diet is super high in carbs and a high carb diet leads to obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance and a whole lot of other problems. This is often combatted by super low carb diets which may not give your body the necessary fuel it needs especially when you work out regularly. Your body does need some carbs to function.

I don't count calories or anything else and try to go by how I feel. For me, the main focus is avoiding or limiting foods and beverages that are high GI such as those that are highly processed, high in sugar or can be quickly processed in the body to sugar, like white rice and white flour. Instead I substitute with other foods that are lower GI, such as wholemeal versions, basmati rice or cauliflower rice, etc. The other thing I do is to portion my meals differently so my evening meal is not my largest meal and make sure I consume most of my carbs at breakfast and lunch so I have time to burn them off.

Hope this helps.

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