I need help ;( . I have read Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, and I've calculated how many calories I need to eat. My problem is WHAT to eat? If I need approx. 310 cal/meal and I eat 5 meals, what would I eat? I have the calorie counter that came with the book, but to figure out how to combine different things into a meal, yikes! How big should the portions be to equal 310 cal? And what for goodness sakes do I eat for protein? Does anyone have any ideas besides cottage cheese, meat, and eggs for snacks? I need something easy and portable to take to work. I can't see myself munching on a piece of meat for coffee breaks. I think the protein is the hardest part for me. It seems there isn't many options for easy, quick, snacks . Please help, I desperately need advice, recipes, ideas ...:-(