What to eat?


Active Member
I need help ;( . I have read Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, and I've calculated how many calories I need to eat. My problem is WHAT to eat? If I need approx. 310 cal/meal and I eat 5 meals, what would I eat? I have the calorie counter that came with the book, but to figure out how to combine different things into a meal, yikes! How big should the portions be to equal 310 cal? And what for goodness sakes do I eat for protein? Does anyone have any ideas besides cottage cheese, meat, and eggs for snacks? I need something easy and portable to take to work. I can't see myself munching on a piece of meat for coffee breaks. I think the protein is the hardest part for me. It seems there isn't many options for easy, quick, snacks . Please help, I desperately need advice, recipes, ideas ...:-(

You could try a meal replacement bar. I like myoplex lite and balance bars. Some of the balalnce bars have higher fat than others. I go for the 6 gram of fat bar which is higher than I need, but its better than eating junk. Melissa
I'm not going to try to give you meal ideas, I'm still working on this area myself....but I can tell you some of the ways I've ideas added protein into snacks at work.

I usually bring almonds (7 to 10 nuts, not many but they work)...sometimes other nuts as well to much on with carrot sticks or celery. Sometimes I bring an apple sliced up in tupperware with peanut butter and a knife. Protein shakes I make myself with chocolate whey or soy protein powder are also a great way to get more protein and fight off hunger during the work day, I just make them in old water bottles I wash out. And sometimes I eat a hard boiled egg with a piece of fruit. And ocasionally just peanut butter with a little bit of chocolate protein powder, tastes like a reese cup.

I'm still working on my eating habbits but I hope this helps a little.
Hi Char! You've already gotten some very good suggestions. I'll add that you can combine steel-cut oatmeal w/2-3 egg white omelette or a baked potato w/baked fish. Both of these suggestions will yield you approximately 332 calories. Close enough to your 310. HTH, Kathy:D
Get yourself one of those calorie calculating books or use google to find online calculators and get an idea of the number of calories in the food you eat and then you'll know if you should eat half a chicken breast with half a cup of rice and a veggie. And study the nutrition facts, looking carfully a serving size and you learn how to stay withing your parameters. :)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Olive
Just bumping in case anyone has any other ideas, in addition to the really good ones that I've already received.:)
I bring cottage cheese with grapes or 2 tbls natural apple sauce mixed in, an apple with string cheese, a 4 oz fat free yogurt, 6 oz fat free milk, all in one of those portable lunch box things with sealed ice cubes. I also bring a bananna, and a sandwich ( tuna on WW bread.) This gets me through 2 snacks and lunch!

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