Hello again, Kellib! Boy, do I feel for you. Welcome to the wonderful dysfunctional world of alcoholism and its discontents.
My mother's alcoholism finally started to manifest itself about 15 years ago (quite uncommon for it to really start to roar later in life), and it got to the point in the early '90's when I tried to have a conversation with her about it, and she very deftly switched me off. Then, in April of 1994 I saw in her apartment that she had 10 bottles of strong spirits in various cabinets and refridgerator; I wrote her an anguished letter after that visit and received a response so scathing and projection-oriented (an alcoholic myself, I quit drinking back in summer of 1987) that I will never forget it and probably will never forgive her. She went into the hospital in December 2000, her kidneys and liver in almost complete shutdown, weighing in at around 325 lbs, and it took that to get her to stop.
That's a fairly bleak story, but I think it points to the reality of what alcoholism can be, and what you can and can't do for the alcoholic. You can try to approach your loved on on the subject; don't be surprised if your concerns are met with denial, rejection or outright hostility. You can also set your boundaries about what kinds of behavior you will and will not tolerate when this person is in your presence. There are intervention methods available to explore; sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. As you noted, it all depends on the alcoholic.
I do hope this is of some small help. As I said, I feel for ya. It's never easy.
Annette Q. Aquajock