What to buy


All right, here is my dilema,
Should I buy KPC dvd - my player is in the bedroom, weights and step are in the basement by the vcr.

Or buy 5 videos including KPC video. The price isn't much more with the discout.

The thing is, I will try to do portions of KPC and have to fast forward a little to make my own mix. Is this tedious? Melissa

KPC is a workout that can be done on a dime. It takes up very little space; you just need enough room to kick in every direction. There's a small bit of side-to-side shuffling right at the start, but that's easily modifiable.

If you've got the space to do the workout in your bedroom, then the dvd would be a good pick for you, especially since you already know that you intend to make up your own workout mixes. The dvd has the mix'n match feature, that you will enjoy for that purpose.

have you considered getting a real cheap DVD player for your basement? I got one with which i have had no problems at all for $30 from Sears.

Do you know if you can hook up your vcr and dvd to the tv? Also, does the dvd allow you to program/ Thanks, Melissa
I second the suggestion to get another DVD. You can definitely hook the DVD and VR up to the TV (that's how mine is). You could also move your existing DVD and VCR to one room and then replace the "missing" one with a DVD/VCR combo, which can be had for a little more than a $100. That way you have total flexibility in both locations!
Thanks for the input. I decided to buy the 5 tapes and look for a dvd player later. I need more things to pick from to make different rotations. Melissa

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