What to buy next? Any Suggestions!


Hi,I Did Cathe's Beginner rotation(everything but the last week)at the begining of the year,and since then I've been just working out to whatever Im in the mood for! I think Im ready for something more intense that body fusion!

This is all the dvds I own so far,

Basic step and body fusion
Low impact step/total body sculpting
Total body strecthing
Kick Punch Crunch/legs and glutes
Maximum intensity stregnth

Im looking for another step DVD to add to my collection,Any suggestions!

Thanks in advance:7
I really like Low Max. The music is great, the choreography is not too tricky and you could easily begin with a 6 inch step and move up to an 8 inch step when you no longer feel challenged using the 6 inch step.
I'm a fan of Low Impact Cardio and Cardio and Weights. I like doing circuit workouts. I love LowMax too though. Sometimes I just want cardio, but mostly I like combining the step with weights.

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