what time do you work out?


New Member
I've worked out in the evening after work for the past 4 years,but lately I've been trying to start working out in the morning before work. Which means I have to get up at 5:30! I love it once I'm up and going, but am really having a hard time getting from my bed into my aerobic shoes! Just wondering what time everybody else does their workouts and if any a.m. exercisers have any tips on how to get my butt out of bed!
morning exercisers

I just have to say how much I admire all of you am exercisers who get up soooo early!! You are a really committed bunch!! I am a morning exerciser usually, but I generally don't start until around 7am. I consider anything before 6am "the middle of the night". I honestly don't think I could stay consistent if I had to get up that early - too easy to roll over and go back to sleep!!
Crack of dawn workouts

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-00 AT 03:38PM (EST)</font></center>

On my work days, I get up around 5:00am in order to get my workout in and still be to work by 7:00am. For me there is no magical way to make getting up in the morning easier...the best advice I can give is, JUST DO IT! Seriously though, if you decide morning workouts are for you, you'll find that going to bed early becomes more and more important and eventually your body will adapt to a slightly different, earlier time schedule. I also will often sleep in my workout clothes so there's no time wasted changing clothes in the morning...you just pop on those aerobic shoes and have at it! I am primarily a video exerciser and for me, those happy smiles on my TV set at 5:00am (usually from Cathe and the gang) are another great motivator to get my rear moving.
Morning workouts are just a part of my lifestyle now and I find that if I don't get that workout in, everything just feels kind of "off" for the rest of the day.

Just know that there are others out there like you who are dragging themselves out of bed at the same time and maybe that will help too!

Good luck!
I never thought I could work out in the a.m. but

when it came down to that or not at all, I thought I would give it a try. And, you know, it is alright and definitely doable. I get up at 5:30 a.m. and have a couple cups of coffee, a bran muffin, check my e-mail and a forum or two and then by 6:30 a.m., I start going. It definitely helps to be awake for at least 45 minutes first, I find.

Of course, I need to be in bed by 10:30 or 11:00 at the VERY latest with 10:00 p.m. being optimal.

Call me crazy but.....

I don't workout until the evening, usually 7 or 8 pm. I am NOT a morning person. I usually stay up until 1 or 2 am.

Hey, it works for me. :p
Making Mental Appointments

Working out is an "appointment" with myself.

I workout at different times depending on the day. I LOVE to work out early in the morning, but to get in one of my workouts, when school is in session, I must be working out BY 4:30 to 5:00 a.m. in order to finish on time to get a deli number for the shower (too many in my household). And get kids to the bus stop by 6:50 a.m.!!!
I also like to work out at night, cuz I can roll over and get those extra zzzz's!

I look at my schedule for the week, when things are going on, what events, WHEN I can workout. I am NOT a morning person. AT ALL... I walk around in a "zombie-like" state but LOVE to have the workout done before going to work. It wakes me up, sets the stage for a better day, and CLEARS my sinuses. Besides, Life can't get in my way at night and give me a reason to NOT exercise.

Anyway, I lay the workout clothes out the night before, set up my weights if I'm doing a weight tape, complete with step.. make sure the coffee is on a timer, and mentally tell myself it is "NOT AN OPTION" to roll over and go back to sleep.

Now with the gym, I also work around THEIR class schedules, so I can see when I can squeeze in the live classes..... Ahhhhhh yes, to plan, plan, plan!!!

Definitely a Morning Girl!

I too get up at 5 a.m. to get my workout done with before I need to get to work.

I find I'm much more energetic when I manage to get that workout in. If I miss it (i.e. sleep late), I'm usually a grouch because I'm so mad at myself that I overslept.

I also do the same thing...I lay out my workout clothes, pick the tape I'll do the night before...that way, I don't have to do too much "thinking" that early in the morning! About 10 minutes into my workout, I'm usually WIDE AWAKE!!!
Early exercising

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-00 AT 11:01AM (EST)</font></center>

I too get up (usually at 4:40 during the school year) to exercise. I have to be at school by 7:05 and plus it's the only time that I don't have little rugrats running around and asking for juice, milk, food, videos (you get the picture
). When I miss a day, I feel cruddy. I also like not having to worry about fitting it in when I get home. I found that I got grumpy thinking that I HAD to work out after work when I am usually tired. Morning exercise is part of my daily ritual - I don't think about it or question whether I will do it. Actually I think my body is too numb and half asleep to think about it! I have noticed though that when I must work out after school that I have a bit more energy and can do a bit more. Oh, well, I'll stick to the a.m.
mornings?--no way!!!

I work out after work at about 3pm in the afternoon or sometimes a little later. I can blow off steam after dealing with the clowns I work with!
I am usually up by 4:30 am just to get to work so morning workouts aren't gonna happen!!!

I'm an Owl and work out evenings....

I just do better evenings, no matter how late, than early mornings. I've tried both and for me there is a definite difference in my endurance mornings and evenings.
I blow off steam with workouts too, Trevor

that's why end of the day workouts are my choice too -- it's amazing but workouts work wonders for me evenings -- better than a nap any day!
Trying to be a morning exerciser ...

I've been attempting to be a morning exerciser. I work at home, so I can usually do some work in my pajamas and then I can exercise. Sometimes, if I have a morning meeting, it doesn't happen until late in the day or sometimes, not at all.

I'm trying to add swimming into the mix, and there's no lap swim until 12. Admittedly, I think it would be easier to have a routine time. I better develop something! Camp is only a few weeks away and I always end up losing upper body strength because I just don't workout while I'm there. I always take my exertubes and never use them. Hopefully, a morning routine will take care of that.

Cleda . . .got a kick out of your "Deli number" comment . . .

I can just picture your Number dispenser attached to the door jamb of your bathroom! :)

Morning workouts help keep me on track with my food comsumption throughout the day. Since I HATE getting up early, my first thought when I see a doughnut or coffee cake is "I didn't get up early this morning so I could eat a doughnut!"
One motivating tip...

As your alarm goes off and you slide your legs around and off the bed, just think of all your fellow vidiots who are doing the same thing

My alarm goes off at 4:20am. I quickly let the dog out for a quick pee, dispense his meds and morning vitie, toss him up on the couch...so he can go back to sleep
and pop in a tape. I can usually get that all done and be dressed in under 15 minutes.

Try putting your clothes right on the floor next to your bed and throw them on first thing. Don't allow yourself to question whether or not doing this was a good idea or not...it will set you up for failure...time ticks by and before you know it...you're out of time!

Make sure when you start, you have some of your favorite workouts lined up...nothing worse than not enjoying it at an early hour!LOL


4:20 in the morning! Wow, 5:30 is sleeping in! I didn't realize how many early am vidiots there are!
If you guys can do it, so can I! I will just think of you all tomorrow morning when I want to roll over and go back to sleep!
it's 5:15on Monday morning!

Hi K

PS-CST just popped out of the VCR after being rewound, I'm done but...you've got 15 minutes to start!!! Come on K
...YOU CAN DO IT!!! hehehe...you will feel soooo good afterwards!

Workouts am or pm

Hi Khead! I workout at 8:30 p.m. I too get up at 5:30 a.m. but just don't have the luxury to do it in the morning. Got to get son up and ready for school and just too much to do. I have to workout at 8:30 because that's when I put my son to bed. Now sometimes he cooperates (he's 8) and sometimes he doesn't. So on nights when he doesn't cooperate, it gets even later for me. My problem stems from not being able to eat dinner. I live on shakes because it's so late. have any suggestions for me what to eat before I workout? I don't have any solution for you either. Maybe drink some orange juice and some triscuit crackers before you work out. Take care, Kathy
I'm now an AM exerciser

Well, I used to work out immediately after work. But, there are times when I'm so tired that I just can't work up enough energy to change into my workout clothes and do something energetic. In fact, I sometime feel that my eyes won't stay open.

So, I've changed my routine to workout in the morning. I've always been a morning person even though working out in the mornings in a challenge (I sometimes get nauseous doing a high energy workout first thing). Initially, I had the alarm set to go off at, get this, 4 AM (I'm at work by 6 AM). Well, I did this for a month or so and then started working on a group project that didn't let me leave at a decent hour (got out at 5 PM). With this schedule, I adjusted my wakeup time to 4:50 AM (much better since this was my normal wake up time prior to AM exercise). Now, I can do my hour workout and be at work by 7AM.

However, I'm still having problems doing really high energy workouts. So far, I've only been doing FIRM workouts as Cathe's tapes just whoop my butt at this hour. I guess in time my body will adjust and then will enable me to do my Cathe workouts. I hope that my body adjusts in time for the new 8-pack.

No dog.....

.....to let out, but I, too, have my early morning routine similar to yours. Put your clothes out, plus any weights or videos you want to use, then give yourself a little while to wake up (for me, 1/2 hour and a cup of cofee) then JUST DO IT! Then, it's over with, and you'll barely remember that you worked out later in the day! AM is the best time.......but then I go to bed awfully early as a result....try 8:00!!!! Works for me, and I'm not nuts, just march to my own drummer!
As we should all do!!!!!

Fitness has been a part of my life since I was 19, but at age 40, with a fulltime job and 2 preschoolers at home, I'm able to be more consistent than ever in my life, simply because of switching to mornings.

I don't have any magic formula to make the switch painless. It helps to go to bed a little earlier; it helps to have a partner, husband or friend who encourages you to get up in the morning; it helps to get all your clothes and equipment laid out and have a video or plan in mind for starting out. But all of these things are simply helpers. The prime motivator comes from within YOU.

Morning exercise has some wonderful side perks. You get a feeling of satisfaction and pride from being done while most people are just rolling out of bed. You only have to take one shower. You have more freedom in the evenings for other things. You're less likely to be interrupted by the phone, doorbell, well-intended husbands or needy children.

Sometimes I can fit in a workout on my lunch hour, but I can never rely on that. So mornings are IT for me.

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