What time do you get up? lorajc?

>I have a 4 month old who usually gets up at about 7 so I get
>up at 5:20 am and workout until 6:45am then shower and start
>getting ready. Then she wakes up, I feed her and put her back
>down while I finish getting ready for work. Then I work 8-5,
>come home dinner, bathtime,etc.
>At first, it was hard but it gets easier. Now I feel so much
>better knowing that my workout is done by 7am and I can go on
>with the rest of my day and not have to worry if I'll have
>time to fit it in after work.
>Also, I don't miss a morning because if I did, I would
>remember how nice it is to sleep in and I'd want to do it

Wendy ~ that is amazing...I feel very lazy! You inspire me with your discipline! WOW!
I get up at 2:30 a.m., drink a cup of coffee and have a DVD popped in by 3:00 a.m. Usually a 1 hour workout until 4 or so, make mine and DH's lunch, eat breakfast, post here and into the shower by 4:45. Leave for work at 5:30 or so. At work by 6:00. Crazy, have been doing this for over a year. We only have one TV and I don't feel like taking it over after work. This schedule works for me, though I have to be sure I'm in bed by 8:30 p.m. I work 4 10 hour days, with F,S,Sun off so I sleep in a little on those days.

At 47, I think the pre-menopausal thing is starting to kick in, with lots of nights where I wake up and just can't drift back to sleep.

I get up automatically about 5 or 5:15. I have my coffee....play here for a bit then workout about 6:30. I am self employed and usually don't get to work til about 10 or 10:30....:)..Carole
I have been doing this for about 3 years or so. When I'm doing a Cathe rotation, I usually get up at 2:00 am. That's what time my alarm is set for, but lately I've been sleeping for an extra half hour and cutting my workouts a little short. My husband gets up around the same time and works out in the morning.....so it's what we are used to. I don't remember how long it took me to get used to it, but I still can't hop out of bed and workout. I have to allow myself about 1/2 hour or so before I start. I think they say it takes 3 weeks to "develop" a habit. I'd try it for 3 weeks and see how you feel. You might surprise yourself. If working out is as big a priority for you as it is for me, then I'm sure you can do it!! It just takes some getting used to. I generally only sleep an hour later than this on the weekend, as I have insomnia and need to try to stick to a schedule.
Melissa-You are right about compromising my energy. That is one thing I worry about waking up so early and having two little ones--being a good mom! I guess with that said, I also think I would be a happier mom if I got my workout in. So stuck on what to do!

Jeanette-Your schedule looks great and it sounds like it really works well for you. Very inspiring to me nonetheless!

Wendy-I was thinking about that this morning- that if I even tried sleeping in or not getting up one morning, it would give me a taste of what it really felt like and I would keep wanting to do that and not workout!!!! Great tip!

Lorajc-Even when I was running marathons and had to get up at 4-4:30, I never hopped out of bed either. That is pretty normal I think. Working out is a huge priority for me and since I have kids I have not made (or had) the time for myself so waking up very early is about my only option--that or nothing! I will get used to it I am sure. I need to make sure to be awake enough to hang out with my husband at night as well! Ah!

Thanks everyone!!!!
I'm with you Nancy324! If there was competitive sleeping, I could be a champion. I need a good 9 hours at night. Getting up for work is a huge challenge - let alone trying to work out. I actually tried it once - my body rejected the concept. I'm an evening exerciser. On weekends, it's early afternoon - a few hours after I get up (I usually sleep until between 10 and 12 - obviously no kids!)
Then have my breakfast and coffee and work out around 3. Hard core stuff like bootcamp is a weekend only activity. My body base energy level is just naturally kind of low and is deeply effected by my sleep. If you can do it the morning, however, go for it!
I wake up @ 5:15a.m. to try and get some extra cardio in. At night, I do my weight work.
Lately though, the snooze button has become my best friend ~ :p

Take care,
Jennifer :)
I get up at 2:30 a.m. M-Th. I go to bed at 8:30 and still have trouble falling right to sleep. I don't feel draggy at all though. Just me.

I get up about 7. Anything before is very hard for me. Thank God I have my own business so I set my hours. I exercize betweend 9-10-10:30 ish.

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