What Speed Do you use for long steady state cardio?


Active Member
I was doing my interval run this evening with Cardio Coach. I was thinking about doing a long, steady state cardio once a week like I heard was good for you. I am so used to using varying speed I wonder If I can be on treadmill for an hour at same speed let alone 70 min? Wondering what speed is best for that? Maybe 4.2? And do you use another music tape then for this?

For me personally a long steady state cardio run is between6.3 and 6.5. It just depends on how you have trained your body. I always start my run at 6.2 and work up to 7.3 for about 45 minutes and I usually get 5 miles in. I think 4.2 is more of a walking steady state cardio. Just my opinion.

I also do interval running on the treadmill. The days I think I will try steady state running, after 10 minutes I am watching the clock and ready to scream with boredom. Anyhow, I seem to be able to go longer when I listen to music than when I watch tv. The longest I have gone is 45 minutes.

As far as speed, you have to find a speed where you know you can complete the running time you want. I am at 5 mph for this. Some days I go to 5.2. I can run a 12 minute mile at 5.0 and last for about 3 miles. For me, this is excellent, and I feel great after. On my intervals, my fastest is between 6 and 6.5 mph. I use the talk test to judge my intensity. I use "row, row, row your boat" for my test. I got this from one of Covert Bailey's books. However, if I run outside, all this goes out the window, because I have a hard time running at a good pace to last long.

Sorry this is so long. Basically, find a pace you know you can go steadily. Melissa
My steady state TM run is done at 5.5 right now but it's a work in progress...I am working on improving that.

I once did a 2 mile run at 6.0 and it was tough for me.

It depends on each individual. You have to play with it and see what works for you.

When I first started running I began at 5.0 but quickly realized that was too slow and going too slow can be just as tough as trying to go too fast!

4.0 is a comfortable quick walking pace for me.
I power walk a steady state cardio for 6 miles at a pace of 5 mph. Maybe that will give you an idea of what pace you could maintain when running. Maybe 6.8 - 7 mph?

4.2 is definitely a brisk walk, even if you are a shorter person like me. I find that, when I get to speeds closer to five miles an hour, I break into a jog, albeit a very slow one.

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