What size TV screen do you watch to work out?

I wonder if someday, someone will invent a holographic television, so that 3=dimensional, life-like images are projected into your living space, and you truely feel you are with the people on the screen (limited application, I suppose: great for workouts, but not so great for regular movies or TV!)
I am waaay on the other side of this spectrum, I have a portable DVD player in my workout space so Cathe is crystal clear on a whopping 8" screen, I don't look at the screen much at all when working out so it's perfect for me. I think it's funny listening to people go on about TV's. One of my co-workers has a 100" TV in her rec room and is so very proud of it, that just strikes me as overkill, kind of like worshipping at a very strange alter. I guess I'm just a 'size-doesn't-matter' kind of girl!;-)

Take Care
I am considering buying a portable DVD player for Cathe workouts. I was thinking my 20 month old could watch his favourite TV shows while I exercised to the DVD player in the same room (competing for sound may be a problem though!!). I am glad to hear that your experience with the 8" screen is a good one.

I have a projection 57" widescreen flat t.v. and I love it. This is in our living room where I workout. We're hoping to build a new living room in 2006. I will then need a new t.v. for the current living which will be my workout room. I'm not sure what I'll be getting. It probably will not be 57", but I'm hoping for something in the 40s as I'm so used to the bigger screen now. I also have surround sound which sounds great. This will stay in my workout room as we're going to buy a better surround sound system for the new living room.
<I think it's funny listening to people go on about TV's.>

Speaking of our fascination with TVs, my sister and her family of 4 live in a very small house with 12 - that's TWELVE TVs! They all work and vary in size but some of them are in the same room! Sorry, sis, but that's crazy!!! :7

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