What should I substitute for lunges?


I recently had my knee scoped and was instructed not to do anymore lunges or leg presses due to the amound of damage the orthopedist found. This is so discouraging because I feel like my backside is going to get all soft and fall down! What are some good substitutions?
Backside work with no knee stress: partial deadlifts (the kinds Cathe does in her workouts).

Also, some floor work (like the "donkey" position moves in Butts and Guts.

A good superset: a set of donkey bent-leg pulses, followed by a set of deadlifts.
Any of the floorwork, I imagine, from (for example) PLB and BG as Kathryn mentioned.

What workouts do you currently own?
Amy, I do have PLB, so I'll skip to the floorwork, good idea.

Thank you so much Kathryn. I love the idea of a superset with donkey pulses and deadlifts! I'm cleared to start exercising next week, woohoo!

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