What should I eat before A.M. strength training?


I am having to change my routine and do my strength training before I go to work in the morning. I have to be at work by 7:30AM, so that means starting my workout by 5:30AM. What I am wondering is if I need to eat anything before I start lifting weights, or can I do this on an empty stomach? I have heard that you need to eat carbs. at least an hour before lifting to prevent your system from eating away at your lean muscle. That would mean I would have to eat something at 4:30AM (waaaayy to early for me!!!). Could you please shed some light on this subject? I am wanting to build mass.

a bit of fat, carbs and protein

like a piece of whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter would give you some energy but would not fill you up too much. You could even add a banana I would say. What you don't want is to feel dizzy or light headed and not eating at all could cause this.

Just my two cents - hope you don't mind.


I don't eat before my workout because I have to workout at 5:45 a.m. as well. I find I work out better and have read it's better, maybe it is up to each individual. ???? I just find I don't want to eat quite that early either, whether this is wrong or right I don't know.
I don't eat when up early

When I do my am workouts, I start at 4:30, I don't eat anything either. I just can't see eating before my strength workout...too early. I think I would feel worse if I did. I have never had a problem with dizziness and I don't seem to be bothered by lack of food, but I am only doing strength at that hour and cardio might be a different story. I am famished at the end and look forward to a big bowl of oatmeal when I am done

I do take an early kickboxing class on Saturdays and find that if I can get a banana in early enough before class, I have more energy.

I am interested in your concerns as well and hope to hear some great input regarding this.

I need just a little something

I work out in the morning, too, but not as early as Nancy does!
I usually wake up at about 5:15, and like to be working out by 5:45. I know what you mean about not wanting to wake up early just to eat--sleep is too precious!

I've found out that what works for me is to have just a little something before I work out. If I'm doing a strength workout or a longer cardio workout (more than 45 minutes of cardio), I'll usually have a Spirutein shake made with skim milk when I first wake up. It's about 200 calories, less than 1g of fat, some carbs and about 20g of protein. Yum! If I'm doing a shorter workout, I'll usually just have a glass of OJ or grapefruit juice. And again, like Nancy, I'm really ready for that bowl of cream of wheat or oatmeal after my shower!

Actually, same here

I pretty much feel the same way and realize that my first post did not really come off sounding that way. Most early mornings, I will have a couple of cups of coffee and a low fat blueberry muffin, wait 20 min. or so and then exercise. I have tried eating nothing at all because I read to do that somewhere but I never get as good a workout because I feel somewhat weak.

However, on a weekend day (when I usually go more than 1 hour), I will eat oatmeal cooked in soy milk and some sort of fruit, wait about an hour or slightly more, and then go hard.

Spirutein shakes

Hi Kristin,

I just discovered those shakes. I love them for a quick pickup. They were a life saver with the flu bug. I end up throwing in berries and other goodies to jazz them up a little more.

I will have to remember them for early cardio workouts, I think I could stomach them

Spirutein Shakes

I love these- has anyone found a cheap source for them? I can never find them, except at the expensive health food stores, and would love a cheaper source. I have tried some of the soy shakes, and found a few really gross ones, as well as a couple of OK ones. Spirutein and Peaceful Planet are the best. BLinda
Spirutein Shakes

Never heard of these shakes, I used to have a Protein shake but found that they were quited high in calories, as a matter of fact I think they were keeping my wieght on. I will have to look into these Spirutein Shakes.
I get mine at...

...www.vitaminshoppe.com. They're having a 40% off sale for the month of January. The eight-packet variety pack, which includes a shaker, is only something like $6 right now. This is great for newcomers to Spirutein (like I was recently) since it lets you try out all the different flavors and decide which one(s) you like before you buy the big canister. Enjoy!
question about shakes...

I've been wanting to find a drink/shake for those "running out the door" days, but I want it to be as nutrition-packed as possible. I've never heard of these shakes either; all I've found are soy ones (which I just don't think I could stomach.) My husband bought Carnation Instant Breakfast recently, and I thought "well, not tons of nutrition, but some, and it's satisfying"... *then* I read the ingredients list -- which starts with *sugar*! Just what I need first thing in the morning -- a nice frothy glass of flavored, vitamin-enriched sugar. :eek:p

So, do these shakes have vitamins and minerals? Are there any other (particularly less expensive) suggestions?

Thanks a bunch,

try this

this is a recipe from Looneyspoons cookbook that I tinker with just slightly. It is low fat, delicious and packed with calcium and protein and all sorts of vitamins, etc.

in a blender combine:

1 banana
3/4 cup no fat strawberry yogourt
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 orange juice (unsweetened of course)
1 tsp. honey
2 tbsp Supro brand soy protein (my addition)
handful of crushed ice

optional: a couple of strawberries if on hand

Blend these all together and you have an excellent shake. I use this as a post work out shake after an especially hard weight workout. Very tasty.

This recipe makes enough for two servings. 216 calories per serving with 6.2% calories from fat, 45.8 g carbs and 7.1 g protein (it must be more of course with soy protein added).

I agree that it's very individual

I personally don't eat before an AM strength workout, but that's me! Everyone is so different that it comes down to the old "listen to your body" thing. If you bod urges you to feed it, you best do it!

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