What Should I Do?


I really could use some advice here...I posted a similar question in the Open forum without much luck, so I thought I'd try here since you guys are the rotation queens. :)

My problem is that I am doing a heavy cardio rotation (January 2006 - where there is a 90 minute cardio 5 days a week) and I am losing muscle mass and definition fast! I spent two months buidling muscle (Upper Body Bliss and Rock Bottoms) and wanted to lean out, so I thought doing a month of heavy cardio would do the trick. I've only been doing the rotation for 5 days, but I've already seen a drop in muscle tone in my arms and my butt is starting to sag again! :eek: What do you guys think I should do to burn the fat layer off and keep the muscle tone I already have? I really loved the results I got with the other two rotations with the exception of my abs...I needed to do some heavier cardio to get the fat layer off. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Here is some additional info that might help: I'm 5'5" about 120 pounds, I've worked out for 15 years (I'm 32), I eat 5 small meals a day (try to get protein and carb together as much as possible) and I guess you could say that I'm a mesomorph...I put on weight/gain muscle easily, but I lose weight and muscle easily, too. I'm just confused as to why I would lose muscle mass that quickly. Should I stick with the rotation a bit longer and see if I'm just "shedding" that top layer or should I do something else altogether?

Help, please!:)

I am no expert, but it seems to me like you are doing way too much cardio to maintain the muscle you have developed. I would cut down on the cardio and incorporate more exercises using weights or resistance.

The workouts I like are: Body Blast Timesaver DVD contains 5 workouts that are less than 45 minutes in length. Four of the workouts feature a “timesaver” cardio section followed by a muscle conditioning section emphasizing just one or two muscle groups. The fifth workout is a lower body muscle conditioning workout; High Step Circuit... cardio + weights; Cross Training Express DVD.. cardio + weights.. You could also do your cardio on 1 day, next day do weight training. For example:

Monday: Cardio
Tuesday: Cathe's Upper Body Pyramid workout
Thursay: Cathe's Lower Bodyh Pyramid workout
Friday: Cardio
Saturday:Cardio w/weights video
Sunday: Stretch/light workout or rest

I got great ideas from the rotations given in this forum. I would refer to the rotations and modify them as needed, per your fitness goals and level. The topics are very helpful. I hope this helps.. let me know... Good luck! Dee
Thanks for the help! I'm starting tonight with Fitness Freak's Muscle Building and Cardio rotation. I'll see if that does the trick. It's similar to what you were talking about - one body part per day and cardio WAY less than what I'm doing now. Thanks for giving me much needed advice!


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