What rotation for fat loss?? please help


Active Member
Is it better to just do curcuits and total body workouts along with cardio until I get this 20lbs off? Or should I go ahead and incorporate other strength training videos in a rotation?? Please help me with this, as I am going crazy trying to figure out what is best!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Jen
Cathe has put together some fat loss rotations. Not knowing what dvd's you have, you may want to check them out.
January 2004
July 2003
and the latest Hardcore is below:

Weeks 1 & 2

Mon: Imax 3 PLUS 1 Coremax seg
Tues: Musclemax
Wed: Kickmax
Thurs: Low Max
Fri: 30 min run PLUS 1 Coremax seg. PLUS 1 Stretchmax seg.
Sat: Musclemax
Sun: 2 seg of Stretchmax

Weeks 3 & 4

Mon: High Step Challenge
Tues: Lowmax
Wed: HC Extreme workout of choice
Thurs: 30 inute run PLUS 1 Coremax seg PLUS 1 Stretchmax seg
Fri: Kickmax
Sat: HC Extreme workout (different from above)
Sun: Off or Stretchmax (as many segments as desired)

Have Fun Everyone!

Edited to add that on week 4 of the Fat Loss rotation, replace Saturdays workout with Musclemax.


Susan C.M.

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