What next?

Hello everyone!

I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight/opinions on what routine I should pursue next.

I am just finishing up a modified version of XTrain - I'm following the 90 day traditional undulating program, but instead of doing 6 XTrain workouts/week, I do 3 XTrain workouts, 3 days of cardio/running. I am following the program in order, but this modification has me stretching out the 90 days to 180 total. The reason for this? I'm an avid runner...I usually clock anywhere between 25-30 miles/week. Adding 6 XTrain workouts on top of this seemed excessive!

Anyway, I have really enjoyed XTrain. It's the first Cathe program I have followed all the way through, and I'm definitely seeing more muscle tone in my shoulders, arms and legs. My strength gains have been great...I'll be up to 50 lb (2 x 25 lb dumbbells) squats this week for Cardio Leg Blast, which is pretty impressive for me.

I really want to pick a program next that is at least as good as or better than XTrain, if that makes sense. I feel that XTrain is a high-intermediate/advanced program, and I'd hate to take a step down. I have toyed with the idea of extending XTrain out for a few more months and adding in the Ride workouts to incorporate my spin bike, but I am undecided if this is the best option. I almost feel like I could use a little more variety than that.

Anyway, I'm not looking to bulk up, or lose body weight...I just want to maintain what I have, and maybe get stronger and more toned. If anything, I'd love to add some curve to my figure, but I don't think that's really possible. :( I am short and stocky...short torso, straight up and down waist, although I am fairly lean and toned. I have read that skipping out on oblique work is recommended for those with the short torso curse, so I have been leery of the XTrain core workouts, even though I have still been doing them.

I currenty have Ripped with HIIT and STS, though I have not done either program. I do lack a barbell, but I have been reading that many people successfully substitute dumbbells for barbells on the exercises (because the lack of barbell was my reason for avoiding these before). I almost ordered ICE, but it kind of seemed like a step down. I have also considered subscribing to the Cathe OnDemand workouts to get access to her live classes. I've rotated through several BeachBody programs in the past, as well...my favorite was TurboFire, purely from a "fun" perspective. I don't feel that I got any gains from it, though, other than toned shoulders and a little more cardio stamina/endurance. So, as you can tell, I am open to doing any program, whether I already own it or need to buy it.

Anyway, sorry for the long, rambling post! I am mostly looking for ideas on what I should pursue next, whether it be a Cathe program or something else.
I think either RWH or STS would work it depends on how much extra cardio and plyo work you want to add to your routine. I'd also consider going right to STS Meso 2 as I think Meso 1 is in line with XTrain as far as intensity and building a base. I like the strength in RWH b/c it's short and to the point. You could also do an "undulating" RWH and STS rotation alternating each one every other week.
I'll add to this that I have friends trying to get me started on the Jamie Eason Livefit Trainer on Bodybuilding.com. I don't know if I could commit to no cardio for Phase 1, though. I also have concerns about having access to the right equipment at home.

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