What my co-worker did. WARNING-EXTREMELY GROSS!

>OMG Bam!! You poor thing...I do not get grossed out very
>easily and I have to say when I first read this I thought you
>said ear closet!!

I read the same thing!!
>The thought of something flying out of someone's nose and
>landing on your being is pretty gross!

Reminds me of when I was in high school gym class, and one of my classmates sneezed and the hugest glob of snot I've ever seen in my life landed on my sock (I don't think it hit my leg...but maybe I'm just in denial).

(And I would like to thank both Bam and Deana for reminding me of such traumatic and disgusting episodes from my youth!)
That sounds like something from an SNL skit! The grossest thing I have to deal with is the chick here who burps, and is always sucking on something very loudly. Sounds like she's pulling her boot out of the mud.

This reminds me of characters from Stephen King's The Dark Tower. There is this race of people called the Children of Roderick (or just "Rods"). They eat people's dirty tissues. I'm sure Steve would love your coworker.
>Wendy, if you were able to "read between the lines" in my
>post, you could decipher that she had that
>sandwich.....without the bread. Positively nausea provoking.

What a waste: she could have saved it to make candles! (Bam...be very leary of any wax-containing gifts from this woman, like candles...)

At least this thread is reducing my appetite...I was just about to have a snack before reading it, but now I think I'll wait...

What's with people eatiing their bodily secretions in public?

Another not-so-fond memory comes to mind: I was at a local tree society meeting in someone's house, and the president of the group (a 20-some guy I thought was somewhat interesting...until the following)was in the middle of the room talking to us, and right then and there did a bit of nasal excavation and had a snack!(If people who do this are just somehow not aware of what they are doing, and do it unconsciously when in public...just imagine what they do behind closed doors....or don't, unless you want to have your appetite dulled for days!)
You could go on WebMD and see if you can find any horrible disease associated with large amounts of ear wax (I think eating odd things...usually clay or rocks...is a disease as well, but I can't remember what it's called), then bring it up to her if this ever happens again.
That is so disgusting. Do you guys have a holiday party at work? I'd be so afraid to eat anything that she made or brought it. EVER. Who knows what may accidentally fall in the food.

One of my co-workers brought in a cake for a party we were having and as I was getting my food ready I saw her cutting the cake to put on a plate. After each slice she cut, she would lick the icing off her finger and then pick up the cake and put it on the plate. How gross is that????? I didn't have enough time to warn anyone to not eat the cake!
OMG -- SHE ATE IT? That's beyond disgusting. That's unbelievably gross. I just got a grossed-out chill down my spine. It would be hard to hang out with someone you've seen do that. EWWWWWW!!!!!

PS Thanks for grossing me out. Now I'll conjure up that image when I feel like snacking today. That should do the trick!!

Okay, I guess I'm slow...are you saying this woman ATE that chunk of gold? Oh my gosh..I'm literally going to hurl. That's DISGUSTING!!! OH MY GOSH! BLLLAAAAHHHHH

<<<<(And I would like to thank both Bam and Deana for reminding me of such traumatic and disgusting episodes from my youth!)>>>
That's what friends are for!:p

<<<<One of my co-workers brought in a cake for a party we were having and as I was getting my food ready I saw her cutting the cake to put on a plate. After each slice she cut, she would lick the icing off her finger and then pick up the cake and put it on the plate. How gross is that????? I didn't have enough time to warn anyone to not eat the cake!>>>>

I witnessed a similar thing. When I was young, my neighbor was frosting a cake and kept licking the tip of the thingy that you put the frosting in (you can tell I bake a lot :7 ) and would keep on frosting the cake. This same person would scratch her head and then fling out whatever was left under her fingernails. Hey, who started this gross thread? }( At least some appetites have been, uh, curbed!

<<<Okay, I guess I'm slow...are you saying this woman ATE that chunk of gold? Oh my gosh..I'm literally going to hurl. That's DISGUSTING!!! OH MY GOSH! BLLLAAAAHHHHH>>>>>

Technically, THAT piece of gold eventually got swept to the floor. It's when she went in for the other rounds that the masticating began! This is just so appetizing!:9

I generally don't have to time to get on the forum at work but I quickly was reading when I was eating lunch. Um, WRONG time to be eating and reading this thread. :9 The co-worker was near me when I was reading and I wish I could have responded right then and there. Would have given me quite the chuckle but it's hard for me to respond at work. Yesterday we were going to split a piece of fruit so she mentioned she was going to get it. I'm so busy at work that anything anybody else can do is helpful. All of a sudden my head popped up from the computer and I said, "No, I'll get it." I couldn't imagine her touching a piece of anything I was going to eat after that episode.x(

On another but similar note, why do people constantly touch their noses and then dig their hands into community food? This one particular woman at work constantly has her fingers around her nostrils. If a bag of chips or a bowl of un-wrapped candy is around, her hand is digging right in and I think about where those fingers have just been. She bought a bag of Candy Corn at Halloween and I put it in a bowl WITH A SPOON on my desk. Everybody used the spoon except her. I was going to say something but didn't because she's the one that brought it. If another bowl of candy ends up on my desk, I'm going to not only put a spoon in it but put a sticky note on it saying to please use the spoon. However, I just will not eat from anything where other people's hands have been. They talk about this on the news all the time so people hear about the germs that are passed in open food. I know, I know, we can't change the world, but we can be disgusted by it! :eek: :7


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