>Wendy, if you were able to "read between the lines" in my
>post, you could decipher that she had that
>sandwich.....without the bread. Positively nausea provoking.
What a waste: she could have saved it to make candles! (Bam...be very leary of any wax-containing gifts from this woman, like candles...)
At least this thread is reducing my appetite...I was just about to have a snack before reading it, but now I think I'll wait...
What's with people eatiing their bodily secretions in public?
Another not-so-fond memory comes to mind: I was at a local tree society meeting in someone's house, and the president of the group (a 20-some guy I thought was somewhat interesting...until the following)was in the middle of the room talking to us, and right then and there did a bit of nasal excavation and had a snack!(If people who do this are just somehow not aware of what they are doing, and do it unconsciously when in public...just imagine what they do behind closed doors....or don't, unless you want to have your appetite dulled for days!)