What motivates you?

Perfectly said, Aquajock... you're hilarious (and very scary), by the way. I am trying so hard to get my mother to take her health seriously, and she always complains that she's "Too Old" and "It doesn't matter any more". She's 50! That's not old any more. It makes me so sad. She loves Cathe workouts, she just doesn't do them :|. I, too, am motivated by the "elderly" who could kick my 22-year-old a$$ any day! I clip out those articles from my Runner's World magazine and not so slyly make sure my mother sees them. I was just happy to see someone else mention that as motivation, as nobody I talk to gets nearly as excited when I tell them about those articles I've read :)

>My motivation is kind of weird but I imagine that I run into
>a long, lost love at the airport and he recognizes me and I
>look even better than I did 20 plus years ago. I know it is
>delusional thinking but for some reason it works. I want to be
>the best I can be for my age. I also get alot of support from
>my forum pals!

Hey! I like that! Mind if I borrow your motivation?

Way cool question!

After carrying 20 lbs extra and being pregnant/nursing for four years straight...just being able to look in the mirror and like myself! Knowing that I've worked hard and I don't want to go back. It's easier to maintain than to gain and lose.

My husband constantly telling me that I'm sexy, hot...you get the idea. Him coming home and dying to jump my bones. We didn't have that for a long time because I hated my body. I would literally go from shower to towel to clothes. If there was any intimacy it was in the dark, under the covers. I felt so terrible about myself that I couldn't/wouldn't allow him to be the visual man that God created him to be. He's now allowed to look all he wants...because I feel sexy. It's also a change in my attitude.

Being an example for my kids. I grew up in a household where physical fitness wasn't a priority. I want my kids to understand junk food and what it does to your body. I want them to realize that moving is GREAT and makes you feel so good!

And way, way down on the list...the job that my husband has mandates peak physical fitness. I want him to be proud to have me as his wife. Part of that is looking good. We're in a community (job-wise) where fitness is a priority. I'm glad it's now a priority for me.

You guys...the input and encouragement that is found here. No one understands about working out at home. Just like something I read on a past post...people think if you work out at home you probably don't work very hard. Yeah, right!


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